Make It A Double

Most people don’t plan a summer that includes double root canals, double moves and a double hernia operation. Clearly I am not most people. I have said for years I am the guy that marches to the beat of a drummer whose sense of rhythm is a beat off but I never expected things to… Continue reading Make It A Double

Categorized as Life

The Beauty Of Moving

I am somewhere between exhausted and whatever comes afterwards which is why I can’t come up with a proper adjective to describe this level of fatigue. It is a Frankenstein’s monsters mix of physical, mental and emotional that has embraced me and the only thing I can think to do is stop moving for a… Continue reading The Beauty Of Moving

Surgeon Says!

Winter isn’t coming any more because it has already come and gone and so have the days when I talked about when to schedule a “Wild Rumpus.” Time and experience proved again that the best rumpi happen organically and are much tastier too. Since the blog is designed to do more than serve as cyberspace… Continue reading Surgeon Says!

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