The Secret Garden In The Secret Kingdom

I hurt my thumb though I am not quite sure how or when it happened. Wasn’t as bad as when I dislocated my ring fingers or my right index, but it was sore enough I noticed.

Made opening a couple of jars more difficult than necessary and made me wonder if one day arthritis will catch up with me.

The aforementioned fingers sometimes act up giving just enough of an ache to be noticeable but not enough to stop me from doing what I wish to do.

Given how parts of me sometimes express their distaste with my leadership and the tremendous amount of wear and tear I have placed upon them I suppose I ought to be happy. I am in better shape than many.

Got a major moment coming up tomorrow that had my brain working overtime so I made a point to make like the man in black and visit the secret garden in the secret kingdom.

Went walking in the rain and in between visiting history I listened to a half dozen songs in Hebrew and translated them into English as I went.

Followed up with 10 minutes of Fauda without subtitles to see how well I was following and then turned everything off.

The goal was to force myself to view circumstances and situations through different eyes to see if that provided new perspective.


A year ago I received several pieces of news that exploded in my head like bombshells. Some of it was contradictory in that I almost didn’t believe what I was hearing and yet it made sense because I knew certain things would come about.

It is not logical or rational but sometimes the universe conspires to help us revisit unfinished business. That doesn’t remove free will because you have the choice to explore or ignore it.

I have done both in my life.


Yesterday I saw dozens of posts about Memorial Day and got to wondering how many people posted them because it was important to them.

Wondered how many posted because they felt obligated to or wanted to appear a certain way. Call me a cynic, but I don’t buy some of what I read from certain people.

I didn’t publish any sort of public acknowledgement though I thought about the meaning of the day. Many of us are lucky not to know anyone who was lost defending our freedom.

A short time ago family and friends in Israel observed their Memorial Day and I can virtually guarantee that everyone knows someone or is connected in some way.

Two countries of very different size so I wouldn’t expect them to be similar in many regards, this being one of them.

Many in my family here in the U.S. have served in both peacetime and war. I have heard some stories of what combat was like and recognize I am lucky.

If I was older I might have different stories. I don’t mind not having those.

The Cemetery

Been thinking a bit more about yesterday and remembered going with my father to the cemetery to put flowers on grandma’s grave.

I think I was around seven.

Dad was very quiet but that wasn’t unusual for him and I don’t remember being bothered by it. I remember looking up at him and hearing him ask me if I was ok.

He told me if I wanted to talk to grandma that was fine and that it was also fine to say it inside my head. I remember asking him if he missed his mom and seeing him nod his head.

My daughter told me she wants to go visit grandpa and I promised to take her but I am thinking I’ll probably visit dad a few times.

Think I need to just sit there by myself for a bit.

It is very peaceful and the description of the cemetery being similar to the Judean Hills is accurate. It resembles  much of the areas I have camped and hiked through and that is comforting.

It feels like yesterday and it feels like it happened in a different lifetime to someone I used to be.

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By Joshua Wilner

Hi, I am Josh Wilner and I am happy that you have decided to visit my corner of cyberspace. I am a writer/marketer/friend and family man. My professional background includes more than twenty years in working with businesses to help them do a better job of connecting with their existing and prospective customers. More specifically I have worked with companies of all sizes from the Fortune 500 to the new start up to help them build, develop and grow their social media and marketing plans. I love spending time with my family and friends. I enjoy music, reading, writing, playing sports and laughing.

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