It Is Time To Renew The Passport

There are some things I am mildly superstitious about even though I may be certain about outcomes.

Been intentionally holding off on pulling out the passport but since I’ll need it decided I ought to renew it.

And then I spent 30 minutes tearing apart the place where I thought it was and cursing because I couldn’t find it.

Me, the guy who is ever so careful about putting certain things away in the same place so I never have trouble finding it.

Took a deep breath, walked away and printed out the lab orders from the doc and debated when I would get it taken care of.

“Think about something else and you’ll remember where you put it.”

The reflection mirrored my words and less than 30 seconds later I had the box I was looking for. It was next to the one I had torn through with a note reminding myself what I had done and why.

The Fire Burns

The fire burns inside in a place no one gets to see without an invitation and fewer still want to go.

It made me think of this for a moment and then I thought about the message I hadn’t sent and considered whether I ought to. One could post a thought, video it or send it by telegram and accomplish what they wished.

Or at least in concept you thought you could because if you could read my mind than you would know.

And there have been times and people who could do just that as I could with them.

But given the odd nature of this crazy week and the things that happened it wasn’t a surprise to me that things were off.

Took a moment to consider whether to lean into it all and put my back and shoulder into making sure things went the direction I wanted and opted not to.

Sometimes you have to let nature take its course, especially if you are confident the outcome will lead the right direction.

It is easier to convince people that your position and objective is righteous when they don’t think you dammed the river or manipulated the vote.


Some things can be determined based upon math and science– the passport is one of them…mostly.

It was due to time working on spreadsheets and forecasting that I figured out things might be at that place where opportunity and possibility intersect.

Still I didn’t want to do anything because superstition says if you change your focus you’ll lose that edge and things will fold.

But it takes a while for passports to be renewed, especially if you don’t want to pay for additional fees.

I believe in paying for convenience and peace of mind when necessary but hate paying extra when it is not needed.

Got lots of things to spend those dollars on and no reason to allocate them there when I can take action to avoid it.

So we reach the intersection of superstition and compromise.

Better to compromise and be proactive than throw away dollars or so it is justified in my head.

I Am Here To Help Ma’am

Picked up my daughter so I could take her to vote for her first time.

As we drove along I explained the process to her and she said that was the second time I had shared that information with her.

“I am here to help ma’am. Besides the father’s handbook says I am allowed to repeat myself, tell bad jokes and have additional powers relegated to my authority as needed.”

She wasn’t so sure about the additional powers but that is ok, she isn’t a dad so she hasn’t ever seen the book.

The changes, twists and turns keep coming and I alternate between wondering when they will slow down and saying “Bring it.”

Got my feet planted and the gym work outs appear to be yielding results.

One has to be both physically and mentally tough to get through life with top results or so I hear.

Something tells me we’re doing just fine and if not we’ll have an updated passport and opportunity to run.

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By Joshua Wilner

Hi, I am Josh Wilner and I am happy that you have decided to visit my corner of cyberspace. I am a writer/marketer/friend and family man. My professional background includes more than twenty years in working with businesses to help them do a better job of connecting with their existing and prospective customers. More specifically I have worked with companies of all sizes from the Fortune 500 to the new start up to help them build, develop and grow their social media and marketing plans. I love spending time with my family and friends. I enjoy music, reading, writing, playing sports and laughing.

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