Maybe Ringo Is Right

Got Ringo singing It Don’t Come Easy in my ear and can’t help but relate to some of the lyrics.

Thinking about that Maya Angelou quote in the feature image and nodding my head because that I relate to without question.

There are a half a dozen stories inside my head that I haven’t written down or talked out and some of them have been floating to the surface again, clamoring for my attention.

Probably why fragments of them keep escaping and why I can hear that Datingmaster Jerusalem guy asking me to tell him the full story of Daniel and Ann along with 17 other requests.

Coudn’t tell you the last time I had real engagement with him of any sort but now that I have figured out some of the coding issues elsewhere I might go looking.

There is no reason to believe identifying the beginning or end of the conversations with him will provide any wisdom, comfort or insight.

No reason to think it will make me sit up and recognize I have all of the answers I am looking for but you never know.

Sometimes looking elsewhere is the way you find answers. Besides, life is absurd.

Illinois state records show the name of my great-great-great grandfather as being William. That seems unlikely given all that I know about my heritage.

Bear With Me

I pulled the name William from the death certificate of his son Lipa, my great-great grandfather.

Lipa is buried in Chicago, gone since May of 1931. All that knew him are long gone too so there are no relatives to ask.

Inquiries with older relatives leave no reason to believe that Lipa’s parents were not born in what is now Russia and once was part of Latvia.

Could a William come from there?

Perhaps, but it seems unlikely.


A reader asked me if I could explain how I write my headlines and I said with a keyboard. Wasn’t trying to be insouciant, difficult or unreasonable.

Sometimes I just throw an idea up there and run with it. Some of them confuse people as I am sure the prior one might have.

Since I am not actively working on building readership or trying to establish credibility or dominance in a particular field I don’t spend much time thinking about them.

Some people would describe that as lazy and awful. They’d say it is a bad way to motivate people to read these posts.

I’d be one of those people but I do it anyway.

Ears That Long For Listening

I got cut off three times while trying to share something and muttered about how it would be nice to have ears that long for listening.

Kind of a goofy and indirect way to make a point but I was between ambivalence about being heard and significant anger.

Had I been blunt I would l have followed up with a scorching of the earth and didn’t see a reason to do so.

Haven’t decided if that was wisdom or ambivalence in action, suppose I will find out.

Market dropped and my retirement took a hit and for a moment I was pretty irritated but then I remembered I am not going to retire for a good long while so in theory I’ll recover.

It is kind of a funny thing in that I don’t know what things really look like. Don’t know if I have a couple of years or 50 so the choices are balanced in a different way.

Mom, if you are reading this trust me when I say my expectation is to be around another four or five decades. There is no new news about my health, no reason to be concerned that I am aware of.

I don’t fear death. Hope it is not a long, drawn out painful thing, but I don’t spend much time wondering.

Mostly I ask myself what I would do differently if I knew more about how long a thread I have. I would think that is pretty common.

Anyhoo, it is a funny place to be where you feel like you are doing a decent job of preparing for a time ahead but recognize how many variables can impact it.


I think I ran into a Holocaust denier on a Facebook post about Colleyville but I am not certain. They posted a strange meme and I asked for an explanation. What they gave made it seem like I might be correct, but I am still not certain.

I asked for more details because I want them to out themselves. The goal is to be able to point a finger at them and show others this is part of the problem.

Didn’t go looking for them, just happened to stumble upon them.

Don’t know if I’ll be able to use this to make a point and a positive impact but I am going to try.

That is what I do, I try.

I try in lots of areas and do my best to do so in a way that doesn’t rely upon hope because that is a weak strategy.

But what I do know is there are some things in life that happen no matter what you do or don’t do and those opportunities need to be looked at.

Those stories need to be lived and to be told.


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By Joshua Wilner

Hi, I am Josh Wilner and I am happy that you have decided to visit my corner of cyberspace. I am a writer/marketer/friend and family man. My professional background includes more than twenty years in working with businesses to help them do a better job of connecting with their existing and prospective customers. More specifically I have worked with companies of all sizes from the Fortune 500 to the new start up to help them build, develop and grow their social media and marketing plans. I love spending time with my family and friends. I enjoy music, reading, writing, playing sports and laughing.

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