New Tortoise Shell Glasses

If you feared to read the prior post because of the headline I can confirm it’s likely not what you think it is.

Could walk you into the next one in which Nancy Cartwright talks about being a girl from Ohio but some of you other girls from Ohio might wonder if it is a cheap attempt to get your attention.

Hell, I don’t need to do that when I can just pull your pig tails, assuming you’re wearing your hair that way.

But that is neither here nor there and as they say, what is meant for you, won’t go past you. So drop to your knees in gratitude or just drop, either is fine and so is neither.

That last part is more about me finding my rhythm here in the words which is presenting itself as more of a challenge than normal because of a new pair of tortoise shell reading glasses.

I picked them up at Costco today because they are supposed to block the blue light and sometimes I need the assistance, depends on how dry my eyes are.

Why Are Your Eyes Dry?

I had LASIK done when I was about 31 and one of the tradeoffs with having better vision was being told I might suffer from dry eyes.

It took a good long while before that started be an issue, maybe a decade and then some so it wasn’t a big deal to me.

At least not until the last four or five years and then it got to be an occasional irritant.

My ophthalmologist says if I drink 8-10 glasses of water a day that will help but also reminds me we have an extraordinary amount of pollen here in the Metroplex.

That seems to be true as I didn’t have much of an issue back in LA, not that is so bad here because it generally isn’t. But it is worse than what I had before.

The guy who did my eyes a thousand years ago told me that I might need reading glasses around 45, but that didn’t happen.

I didn’t wear them often at all until I was about 50 and even then it is usually if my eyes are dry. The current eye doc says I have cataracts in both eyes that aren’t yet ripe so I can’t have them removed. He says they shouldn’t impact my vision now but I sometimes wonder.

Smaller and or faint text sometimes is hard to see in softer light and that wasn’t something I noticed until the last year or so.

This aging thing has its moments, now doesn’t it.

Anyhoo the tortoise shell reading glasses are fine with my phone but I don’t particularly like them with the computer so I took them off.

They are next to a pair of progressive lenses that I almost never use for reading up close. They irk me.

Technically I am supposed to wear them at night but I often wear them during the day because it is irritating to take them in and out of a bag.

That is a change I wasn’t expecting or appreciative of. I don’t want to wear glasses at all. I did my time, 20 years with glasses or contacts and that was enough.

It is why I had the damn LASIK done. Hell, If I hear of a way to fix my vision I would consider doing it again.

Got to love having your eyes propped open so you can’t blink and the sound of the laser slicing them. It is over in a second and since your eyes are numb you don’t feel a thing.

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By Joshua Wilner

Hi, I am Josh Wilner and I am happy that you have decided to visit my corner of cyberspace. I am a writer/marketer/friend and family man. My professional background includes more than twenty years in working with businesses to help them do a better job of connecting with their existing and prospective customers. More specifically I have worked with companies of all sizes from the Fortune 500 to the new start up to help them build, develop and grow their social media and marketing plans. I love spending time with my family and friends. I enjoy music, reading, writing, playing sports and laughing.

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