Know When To Hold Them Part 54

If you are or were a queen of shmatas and are wondering if you missed parts 2-53 you could go searching all the places you didn’t visit and see if they are located there.

You could go back to where you were and check the card catalog to see if we we’re using the damn Dewey decimal system to update things or you could skip it all.

I might ‘cuz when people don’t read or respond I roll that way and I do it even they do read and respond so you gets what you gets and you don’t get upset.

Or so the kids down on Yancy and Hampshire Streets at the corner by the rusty buckmaster sign, ya know the one with the rugged edge we called the ripper.

Got to watch out cuz when you aren’t expecting it can jump out of the bushes and you’ll feel like it is fighting you.

But hell that is the crazy part of life you don’t know what will happen from day to day.

I haven’t made it to the treadmill yet because I have this mysterious ache on my left side that feels like someone came and tried to stretch me in a way I don’t stretch.

But me and the body had a talk earlier and I explained I would give from the 8:30 AM wake up until about 10 as time to recover.

Swing You Bastard

Go back to 10th grade and there was a fellow who didn’t like your 102nd favorite blogger much.

Don’t ask for reasons why because after 36 years none of it matters. I got a black eye and when I banged his head into a cement planted I said “swing you bastard.”

Ok, I don’t think I said that but I might have and the joy of going back 36 years is no one knows for certain.

There were a few others there but no cellphones, no YouTube, Instagram or social media at all.

Just a bunch of boys and a teacher who told me later he hoped I hit him before he had to break up the fight.

I took that as notice that if this other guy and I ever had another dust up I ought to do it in the same place because I could probably get a couple of free shots in.

Illusions of grandeur or visions of a future success, who can say.

What I know is I told the part of me that mutinied if it didn’t want to be battered into submission it would cooperate.

I followed that up with a Mr. Miyagi hand clap and rubbed myself a bit. Get yer mind out of the gutter, it wasn’t like that.

Anyhoo, the damn thing feels better so in a few I am going to climb back and pump out some more miles or so I hope.

This aging thing is a real kick-in-the-pants sometimes and I am not the kind who wishes to submit and be dominated.

Feh and bleah to that.

Quick and Dirty

Got to make this what someone once termed a quick and dirty post because that treadmill and I must dance so this is close to the end.

Been writing here and there anyway so it is not like nothing is new, but there is only so much time in the day.

Been involved in more discussions in which people have tried to dismiss me as producing information they consider to be false because they don’t like it.

I understand, sometimes facts are uncomfortable. Sometimes we don’t like what we are told and want to push back.

I don’t always like what my reflection but nothing happens by yelling and saying it is fake. I just see my face yelling back at me.

If I am unhappy with the look I can do things to change it but the question is how far am I willing to go to make those changes.

The good news is that I can do something about it.

In these other cases the things people are crying about simply aren’t things you can change and calling them fake doesn’t make them so.

But hey I get it, when you tell me that you think there is a huge humanitarian disaster in Afghanistan I will agree with you.

When I ask you how many people you want to take in and you say they haven’t been vetted and that you don’t know who they are I will say it sounds like you have a bad case of NIMBY.

It is convenient to complain about it because it fits your personal political narrative but it is inconvenient to pay to change things.

One fellow asked me what I would have done differently and I said I might have considered keeping troops there for an indefinite amount of time.

He told me he doesn’t like forever wars and I said me too and then pointed out we have troops in Germany, Japan and Korea.

Truth is I haven’t spent a ton of time thinking through my idea and I could change my mind.

I don’t have a problem with bringing people who helped us to the states either and don’t buy the argument that we don’t have space or resources. We have both.

But again this isn’t a place for pontificating or speculating on what we could or should do.

This post is for sending up signal flares and for working on short bursts of writing and nothing more.

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By Joshua Wilner

Hi, I am Josh Wilner and I am happy that you have decided to visit my corner of cyberspace. I am a writer/marketer/friend and family man. My professional background includes more than twenty years in working with businesses to help them do a better job of connecting with their existing and prospective customers. More specifically I have worked with companies of all sizes from the Fortune 500 to the new start up to help them build, develop and grow their social media and marketing plans. I love spending time with my family and friends. I enjoy music, reading, writing, playing sports and laughing.

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