Sleep With Me

I heard a woman’s voice say “sleep with me” but there wasn’t anyone in the house but me.

Cocked my head to the side like dogs do when they hear a strange noise and listened in the dark for something.

Wasn’t my phone because that was next to me and all of the televisions were off so I sat there wondering if maybe it was coming from the neighbor’s house but that didn’t make sense.

Made a point to patrol the house and looked for anything that could explain it but never did find anything and forgot about it.

Heard the voice again a short time ago and though there were others here it wasn’t said by any of them and so I wondered what it could be.

Succubus, other spirits, intuition, loss of my mental faculties, all of the above, none of the above.

Who knows. Not really worried about it, it is just peculiar.

Reminded me about a nightmare I had a while back. It was just before my Dad went into the hospice but after the surgery in which they amputated part of his leg.

Show Me Some Respect

It was just the two of us in a room.

“Help me walk.”

We’re men of average height, but we’re both broad. No one would call or describe us as little so I asked him if I should get a wheelchair.

“I have to go the bathroom and I am not using a bottle or bedpan. Help me walk.”

“Dad, I don’t know if you are strong enough to stand on one leg. I’ll have to drag you over there.”

“Show me some respect.”

You didn’t hear that line often but if you did it was one you ignored at your peril. So I helped him out of bed and discovered he wasn’t right.

He was dead and I was handling some kind of ghoul that had Dad’s voice but wasn’t Dad.

Almost dropped him, but this creature had grabbed on to me and I couldn’t decide what to do. He wasn’t Dad, but he was Dad and that Show me some respect was echoing in my head.

And then whomever or whatever it was started to fight me.

One of the last things Dad ever said to me was to take care of mom and my sisters so I knew I had to handle this but I couldn’t move properly.

He kept screaming Show me some respect and hitting me and I kept taking the beating but couldn’t bring myself to hit him.

There is more but you get the gist and this isn’t a Stephen King novel that requires I give more details other than when I took my blood pressure it wasn’t just elevated.

During the daylight hours I looked at Dad’s picture and told him if that happens again I am sweeping the leg and hoped it never came to that.


Something is different now, there are big changes that have taken place and big changes that are taking place.

I don’t say that lightly or with any frivolity and recognize change happens daily.

No nuance, no specifics or description of who or what I am referring to make it sound as hyperbole or less than it is.

But in my gut I know differently and so do some of you.

I can feel your thoughts and sense the indecision about whether to fully engage or fully withdraw.

The moment in which you almost spell out all that is going on and the moment you don’t.

Don’t know the how or why and could be wrong about the who, but I feel it and sense it.

Not just because of incorporeal voices saying sleep with me or anything else coming from the unbodied and ethereal worlds.

I just do and though I can’t provide explanations based upon the tangible or scientific it doesn’t make it any less real.

Some things just are.

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By Joshua Wilner

Hi, I am Josh Wilner and I am happy that you have decided to visit my corner of cyberspace. I am a writer/marketer/friend and family man. My professional background includes more than twenty years in working with businesses to help them do a better job of connecting with their existing and prospective customers. More specifically I have worked with companies of all sizes from the Fortune 500 to the new start up to help them build, develop and grow their social media and marketing plans. I love spending time with my family and friends. I enjoy music, reading, writing, playing sports and laughing.

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