Words Aren’t Enough

I told Brother Pablo I feel this need to speak with someone about some things and he said maybe I should. He asked “how will you do it” and stayed silent so I could answer. “Words aren’t enough but maybe I can figure out how to paint the picture I see and to play the… Continue reading Words Aren’t Enough

Categorized as Fiction

Almost A Millionaire

The bit coin scammer tried to convince me to invest some money with him and seemed dumbfounded when I told him I was independently wealthy and didn’t require any more. “Everyone needs more money, even you.” “Not me, I am almost a millionaire.” “Josh, that is not that much. How close are you to being… Continue reading Almost A Millionaire

Categorized as Musing

It Is Diabolical

I was 3.5 miles into my walk and heading home when I felt my blood sugar drop and realized the last section was going to be ugly. Didn’t have any snacks or water on me and I remembered I am too damn big to be carried home and there wasn’t any one around to carry… Continue reading It Is Diabolical

Categorized as Narishkeit

Hold On, I Am Coming

I told June I could be bolder and more brazen than anyone she knew not because I was trying to brag but because I was trying to make sure she understood. Sometimes I am certain she did and other times less so. But as the song says it is a Mad World and I might… Continue reading Hold On, I Am Coming

Categorized as Life
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