There Are Better Ways To Get Attention

“I have some friendly advice. There are better ways to get attention than to post some of the things you write on Facebook.”

I looked at the note and responded with “I am grateful you’re worried about me. It is good to know I have another parent.”

They didn’t like that and told me I didn’t have to be rude so I sent something back that had more sarcasm and a little venom.

It ended with something similar to “no one is required to read anything I write or post nor are they required to be my friend. But if they do chose to be my friend they are required to act like one. You haven’t a clue what life is like and you don’t get to lecture me. Tread carefully.”

There Are Better Ways To Get Attention

I am not always good about asking for help and sometimes am slow to reach out because I often feel like if I am given a bit of time I’ll figure it out.

That is probably illustrated well by my having played around with popping my dislocated finger back into place.

FWIW, I like to think my having chosen to have the doc do it also illustrates a willingness to ask.

Might be slow to do so, but it is not impossible.

The biggest question isn’t about a personal willingness but upon levels of trust. There are some people I trust with my life and others who I have less faith in.

But doesn’t that describe most of us.

Still I’ll grant that perhaps posting the picture of a finger bent in an abnormal way might not have been the best way to get attention.

But it is a good way to help memorialize the moment, just in case said moment required or was worthy of such a thing.

Communicate The Write Stuff

I have been pumping out enormous amounts of content for a while now, far more than I had been doing.

It is not the first time I have been writing like this but it is the first in a long while and it got me thinking about why.

I haven’t come to an exact conclusion as to why other than not writing is the equivalent of saying “stop breathing” to me.

What I am certain of is there is a story pinballing around inside my head that wants to come out.

I can’t say if I’ll share it or not, instead I’ll refer to the Neruda quote above as being one of my favorites.

If you have kissed or been kissed properly you’ll understand some, if not all of it.

But you’ll also have some understanding if you have been kissed poorly. I once walked away from one feeling like I had spent time with a St. Bernard.

It was a one time thing and though I am direct and unfiltered I can assure you I did not call her Beethoven or Cujo.

A Few Last Words

I am still locked out of the email account that got hacked last week.

It is a secondary account so it is not where my most important information goes but there is probably some stuff in it that I would like to keep.

And it is probably the account some people will use to try to contact me. Since I can’t get at it I suppose it is possible some people might think I am ignoring them.

Can’t worry about it, if they really want to get in touch and find out what is going on they can find me, or not.

Got too much crazy stuff to worry about now, maybe we’ll revisit at a later date.

Back to storming the castle, see y’all later.

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By Joshua Wilner

Hi, I am Josh Wilner and I am happy that you have decided to visit my corner of cyberspace. I am a writer/marketer/friend and family man. My professional background includes more than twenty years in working with businesses to help them do a better job of connecting with their existing and prospective customers. More specifically I have worked with companies of all sizes from the Fortune 500 to the new start up to help them build, develop and grow their social media and marketing plans. I love spending time with my family and friends. I enjoy music, reading, writing, playing sports and laughing.

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