Make It A Double

Most people don’t plan a summer that includes double root canals, double moves and a double hernia operation.

Clearly I am not most people.

I have said for years I am the guy that marches to the beat of a drummer whose sense of rhythm is a beat off but I never expected things to be as wacky as they have been.

But if I have learned anything during my short time on this big blue marble we live upon it is that things happen.

I knew I had a hernia but I didn’t plan on having surgery today.

If I hadn’t had a physical last week I wouldn’t have considered doing anything about it until around December or maybe sometime in 2017.

Had too much to do and too many things to focus upon and since we made the the first move yesterday the last thing I wanted to do was impinge my ability to move heavy objects.

But life happens and I was told my doctor that I needed to consult with a surgeon before I went through with my plans to hold off on things.

Yesterday I consulted and we came to the conclusion it made sense to operate…today.

Yep, it was that fast. Went in at noon on Wednesday and was sliced and diced this morning.  Turns out it was good thing because there was another hernia right next to the one that was being fixed.

Since they were already in there the doc took care of that and the rest is history.

Two hernias repaired.

Two root canals

Have I mentioned that is two too many root canals and two too many hernias.

I filled my quota for the next 40 or 50 years.


I was pleasantly surprised to discover I feel better than I anticipated and am moving around pretty well.

If fortune smiles upon me I’ll feel like this tomorrow morning and getting out of bed won’t be a project.

But I am not real concerned about that.

No, what I am concerned about is the two month moratorium that has been placed on my lifting heavy objects.

Not to mention the lack of basketball for a while.

Those things will be a bigger challenge than dealing with some brief physical discomfort, especially since I am going to need to be able to move some more stuff soon.

Make It A Double

When they wheeled me into the O.R. they asked me if I had a preference in music and I asked for classical.

I figured it would be an easy way to try and relax and was quite pleased when they put on Moonlight Sonata but I swear as I went under I heard Play That Funky Music.

Anesthesia does funny things to people, or maybe it is just me.

Truth is I don’t remember going under. I was awake and then I wasn’t.

The best part of being given the good drugs my whole body ached from moving and when I woke up the majority of those aches were gone.

No aching back or shoulders and had it not been for cutting my belly open the old stomach would probably feel pretty good too.

Think I’ll point that out to my son and repeat my line about making use of as many resources as we can.

Anyhoo as the summer of 2016 continues to move towards its conclusion one of the things I’ll take from it is to be more cautious when I say make it a double because you never know when life might take that seriously. 😉

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By Joshua Wilner

Hi, I am Josh Wilner and I am happy that you have decided to visit my corner of cyberspace. I am a writer/marketer/friend and family man. My professional background includes more than twenty years in working with businesses to help them do a better job of connecting with their existing and prospective customers. More specifically I have worked with companies of all sizes from the Fortune 500 to the new start up to help them build, develop and grow their social media and marketing plans. I love spending time with my family and friends. I enjoy music, reading, writing, playing sports and laughing.

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