I am rolling through town on the way to an appointment when I get cut off by a Black Subaru but I don’t have time to do more than growl at the bad behavior.
Got way too much to do and the drivers here are awful. Native Texans blame it on transplants and transplants blame it on Texans.
As for me, well I figure if you have been here for more than 20 years certain habits might have rubbed off on you. Got no scientific research to back that up with but I do have a certain level of rage and fury influencing me for whatever good that is.
Exchanged words with some family and former friends about FOTUS and his Seig Heiling billionaire flunky.
One tells me they’ll enjoy watching me belly ache for the next four years and the other says I don’t understand what is going on.
I tell the first I can’t be bought with cheap promises and inane ideas that are never followed through upon and I inform the latter that he is an ignorant fool.
The funny thing is I thought the latter was smarter than the former who I already knew to be a dolt but I was wrong as he is dumber than I thought.
I don’t suffer fools and those that support coups, corruption and activity that hurts my family and friends earn no quarter.

It Could Be The Way To An Early Retirement
GI got my liver scan set up and provided instructions for what kind of prep work I need to do. My son asks me what I think and I say it if it goes badly it could be the way to an early retirement.
He rolls his eyes at me and I tell him to blame his grandfather for my morbid sense of humor. We roll into a discussion in which I say I don’t know for sure if death is all there is or if there is something else.
“Your grandfather and great grandfather would say if there is something else it must not be bad because no one comes back.”
I snort and say I am like them both in I don’t fear dying but I hope it doesn’t hurt.
“I don’t expect to get bad news, all this hard work is paying off. Look at me, the differences are starting to show. But you never know, people plan and g-d laughs. But I promise to emulate my grandfather, if there is an angel of death I will punch him in the throat and kick him in the junk. I have got things to do.”
What Comes Next
Someone asked me what comes next in reference to FOTUS and the bad hair plug, socially awkward ketamine addict and I shrugged my shoulders
“I think bad things are coming for the young men that are working with Elonia. Those guys are the patsies and they are likely to going to end up in prison or worse. I don’t think they’re smart enough to understand plausible deniability and how easily the two will turn on them.
I think a reckoning is coming for Elonia and FOTUS but it is not clear yet exactly how that will play out. Some of it depends on the courts and whether the GOP has anyone with integrity and not just feckless and reckless losers.
If we find some who have a spine we may see more of a push back and we may even see bigger things.
We’re definitely going to see the rise of some unsung heroes but we may never know their names.”
The same person asks me how I am not in shock and dismay by all this and I shake my head.
“I am an American Jew. We have been under attack for years, especially since 10/7/2023. This feeling of uncertainly and a lack of clarity about whether the ground is stable isn’t new. I have watched people cheer the murder of my fellow Jews and offer support to terrorists.
They have repeatedly told me that what happened on 10/7 didn’t or that it was overblown. I am beyond shock but I have ample rage to use to push back against all of this nonsense.
We’ll be thoughtful, meticulous and relentless in pursuing all channels. The fight isn’t close to being over which is why the dopes on the other side are trying so hard to break as much as they can.
They want to break our spirits and make it harder to fight.
It won’t work, we can’t be broken.”
I can’t say exactly where things will go or what they will look like. What I know is I’ll do my best to influence them to go the best way possible.
Unless genetics and or bad luck conspire to stop me some of you will be able to ask me for my thoughts on all this in 20 years.
The plan is to dance in the fire, sail through the storm and get to the other side. I’ll drag along as many as I can and hope that is enough.
Big changes were coming along in my life without all this other stuff, so I shrug my shoulders and keep moving forward. I don’t know any other way to be.
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