Maybe It’s Time For Professional Movers

We were two days into the trip to Atlanta when the conversation began, “Maybe it’s time for professional movers.”

I nodded my head and said I thought it made sense.

“I can still do it all myself but I’d be lying if I said it isn’t harder than it used to be because it is. I don’t have a problem paying for some services, makes too much sense not to.”

They nodded their head and I added that I am big on paying for peace of mind.

“You can’t get around the value of removing or reducing unnecessary stress and anxiety.”

They smiled and agreed.
The Californians In The Deli

The same day as the moving conversation I checked out a deli in Atlanta and laughed when the young woman told me it was a “Jewish deli.”

I smiled and told her I recognized the last name. She asked me if it was a Jewish one and I nodded my head. “I have never met a Goldberg who isn’t Jewish.”

She told me she knew some from her hometown but never realized they were Jewish.

“Where is home?”

She told me I probably wouldn’t know the name but I said to try me and laughed again when she said “Long Beach.”

“Did you go to Jordan or Poly?”

Her eyes got wide and she asked me how I knew and I told her I was from Los Angeles. That got her excited and she called over the bartender who told me he was from Compton.

“Three Californians in Atlanta, not the kind of thing I expected to say today, especially at a Jewish deli.”

We all smiled and swapped a few stories. I didn’t ask them their ages but it was clear I had at least 25 years if not 30 on them.

It was nice reminiscing even if they made me feel kind of old. They shared some thoughts about Atlanta and what they liked and as they walked away I thought about how funny life can be.

We have ideas about who we are and where we think we’ll hang our hat but sometimes life says we’re going to do things differently.

Go With Your Gut

Big changes can be unsettling and they can create some uncertainty but I have generally found the best method of moving forward is to go with your gut.

Can’t speak for everyone but mine has been pretty good about steering me in the right directions. When I am unsure it is not unusual for me to write my thoughts down.

Sometimes I write just for me and sometimes I write in places others can see. Generally though I know most of how I feel about taking a particular chance or path before I do it.

Writing just provides some additional clarity. I did some of that earlier today and have spent some time sitting with it.

Spent time mulling it all over and thinking about how I really feel and what the best course of action is. Think I have most of it worked out but recognize that you can’t know some things the way you want to without having the courage to take a step.

That is the hard part but it can also be the most exciting.

Change doesn’t only happen when it is convenient or easy, though that sometimes is the case. Change comes whether you want it or not and the only choice you have is whether to ask it to dance or to fight.

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By Joshua Wilner

Hi, I am Josh Wilner and I am happy that you have decided to visit my corner of cyberspace. I am a writer/marketer/friend and family man. My professional background includes more than twenty years in working with businesses to help them do a better job of connecting with their existing and prospective customers. More specifically I have worked with companies of all sizes from the Fortune 500 to the new start up to help them build, develop and grow their social media and marketing plans. I love spending time with my family and friends. I enjoy music, reading, writing, playing sports and laughing.

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