When Age Requires 15 Inches

Whenever this plays I remember a little girl who had long natural curls asking me to pick her up and twirl her around.

She doesn’t remember dancing with me any more than I remember how we got started with it but I can still hear her giggle and remember how sometimes she would lay her head upon my shoulder and fall asleep.

I thought about this and more as I managed the migration of old files from my old Macbook to the new one I picked up today.

I got that one a short time before we got the one she took to college. They were identical models but I upgraded today because my eyes aren’t 20 anymore and age requires 15 inches instead of 13.

The decision wasn’t made lightly because the old unit was getting the job done…mostly.

The upgrade in power is nice but I don’t know if I am going to really take advantage of it or not but I like having the option.

The additional screen size is what I like best. I rarely wore glasses with the prior model but there were moments where it was harder on my eyes than it needed to be.

I have reached a place where I am engaged in a different sort of preparation for the future than I once was. A place where I spend more time working on the physical and doing things that provide more comfort.

Ease of use is important and it is easier to manage spreadsheets on the bigger screen.

Remember That Apple Watch

Someone asked if I was imitating my old man with the need for gadgets and I laughed as there really aren’t that many here.

Most of those that exist have a defined purpose and are used regularly or moved on to other homes.

Remember that Apple Watch?

Well it really has helped establish how much exercise I have been getting which has made it easier to increase it and track it properly.

Most of us have no real idea how much time we do or don’t have and my goal is simple:

Ensure that I can take care of myself without aid for as long as possible.

Doesn’t mean that luck, karma, circumstances or genetics may choose to mess with my efforts because that could happen.

I told a friend a while ago that doesn’t mean it will be a negative impact either. We all suspect that because as we age health doesn’t necessarily improve but than again there is law that says it can’t.

No rule that says technology and medical advances might not help things along too. So preparing myself for better health isn’t going to hurt anything and potentially might improve my situation when circumstances come along.

Don’t know, can’t say but it can’t hurt.


Thus far the bigger screen has been a joy and so I find myself actively checking to make sure every file I need has been moved from the old unit.

Once confirmed I will wipe the prior model and trade it in for a credit that eases the overall cost of the new unit.

A Lost Hour Of Sleep

Tomorrow I’ll go around the house checking all of the clocks that aren’t connected to the Internet to make sure they are adjusted to the current time.

There are fewer to manage than there once were.

Tonight I’ll consider whether I ought to try to go to sleep immediately after pressing publish. It’s not quite midnight yet but one could argue that it might as well be 12:30 now.

That lost hour of sleep may or may not be adjusted for by sleeping in no matter how hard I try as my body doesn’t cooperate as well as it once did.

I am in better shape than many I know. Bunch of the guys have told me they stop drinking after 8 PM because otherwise they’ll be up in the night.

Half the women I know tell me they no longer sleep through a full night too but from what I have gleaned it is not necessarily the same reasons as the men.

Some of you mothers lie in bed thinking way too long and way too hard about your children and what their lives look like.

Ok, that is probably unfair so I’ll moderate that.

Even though our children are no longer young you still worry about them and the choices they make even if you have full trust in them.

I understand that and to some extent have moments where I do it too, but it rarely impacts my sleep. By the time I put my head upon the pillow I have quieted that part of my mind because there is nothing that can be done about it then.

That sort of activity is left for the hours I am awake and able to impact things if I think it’s required. That is the hard part, figuring out how many times to get involved and how many times not to.

Sometimes the choices we don’t like aren’t necessarily bad choices but they are ones we wouldn’t make for ourselves.

That is how I try to measure it, “am I upset because they are doing something dangerous or risky or am I upset because they are doing something I would hate doing.”

There is a difference.

I am not a perfect man, but I’ll paraphrase Lombardi and say I am chasing after it. Might not ever catch it but I’ll probably do better than if I didn’t try to at all.

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By Joshua Wilner

Hi, I am Josh Wilner and I am happy that you have decided to visit my corner of cyberspace. I am a writer/marketer/friend and family man. My professional background includes more than twenty years in working with businesses to help them do a better job of connecting with their existing and prospective customers. More specifically I have worked with companies of all sizes from the Fortune 500 to the new start up to help them build, develop and grow their social media and marketing plans. I love spending time with my family and friends. I enjoy music, reading, writing, playing sports and laughing.

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