You Will Take My Hand…Again

A man in a Facebook group I belong to posted a picture of his daughter eating at a diner that is down the street from a cemetery half my family is buried in.

Ok, the bit about half my family being buried there is an exaggerate but I do have multiple relatives there and a dear friend.

The picture of the little girl and the proximity of the cemetery to the restaurant triggered a memory in which my father told me to hold his hand.

Might have been five, could have been a little younger but it doesn’t matter because it triggered a different memory of working under the sink with him when I was in my twenties.

He asked me to hand him a tool and somehow managed to grab my hand instead of the tool. I told him it was nice to see that my daddy still like to hold my hand.

I could feel the glare and the growl before they hit me because that wasn’t the time or place for nunsense but I am not known for doing things during whenever that perfect time or place exist

Anyhoo, I could tell you about the last time I held his hand in the hospice but I’ll hold onto that memory for myself.

Have you read the last post How To Wrap A Shmata Around You yet?

Do They Really Want To Kill You?

A work colleague asked me today if I think people really want to kill me for being Jewish and was surprised when I didn’t hesitate and said yes.

“This isn’t anything new. History has proven it time and time again but it has done the same for other groups too. White supremacists have a list of groups besides my people they’d like to end. People still get lynched in all sorts of places.”

He paused and said he thought that was a pretty sad commentary and I agreed.

“It is, but I don’t live in fear of it happening. Still worry more about falling down the stairs, off of a ladder or out of a tree.”

That last part caught his ear and he asked if I still climb trees.

I told him I wasn’t sure the last time I had done so but I figured it was during the last five or so years. Added that I still climb over fences and all sorts of stuff.


“Because it is faster than going around it. Because it is there. Because I can and because one day I might not be able to. It is why I keep a triple dose of Viagara in my pocket.”

Ok, I didn’t add the last part because it was a work setting but I wanted to say it because it sounds ridiculous and when things around you are ridiculous sometimes you go for something silly.


My father wouldn’t have had much use for the Facebook group I referenced. Too many people posture, bloviate and say stupid crap that offers no value to group members.

Can’t say I disagree because so much of what I have read seems to offer no attempt to solve the situations people are concerned about.

Feels like a herd of cats running in circles and bouncing from place to place with no rhyme or reason. Given that we don’t typically see herds of cats this is what I imagine a herd would look like.

Matter of fact it wouldn’t surprise me if the herd coughed up a giant hairball.

Hamas & Halloween

I have seen a few posts about people who said they have heard that Hamas will be in the states trick-or-treating for the purpose of finding homes they can identify as being Jewish.

The rumor is when you open your door to give them a treat they’ll give you a nasty trick. Makes me wonder if they have read about the gun problem here and are aware that we are all armed for Armageddon.

Think one of my neighbors has a flame thrower, AR-15 and an RPG but I might be wrong about it being one neighbor as I do live in Texas.

Periodically people ask me what I carry and I smile and say it is better not to find out. One guy told me I shouldn’t kid around about such things and I said I am not.

Flashed him a broad smile and he said that it was a little unnerving and I said that I have done the job.

“It is all about deterrence isn’t it.”

Reminds me of a time at a previous job when the guys started talking about what sidearm they carry when they go pig hunting, didn’t haven many of those conversations back in LA.

But I can tell you what some guys kept under their seat or in the glove box and I am still the only person I know in Texas who has been through a riot, multiple earthquakes and was evacuated from forest fire.

“In the days of my youth
I was told what it means to be a man
Now I’ve reached that age
I’ve tried to do all those things the best I can”

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By Joshua Wilner

Hi, I am Josh Wilner and I am happy that you have decided to visit my corner of cyberspace. I am a writer/marketer/friend and family man. My professional background includes more than twenty years in working with businesses to help them do a better job of connecting with their existing and prospective customers. More specifically I have worked with companies of all sizes from the Fortune 500 to the new start up to help them build, develop and grow their social media and marketing plans. I love spending time with my family and friends. I enjoy music, reading, writing, playing sports and laughing.

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