Is This What Aging Is About

The eye doc looked into my dilated pupils and said my pressure was good and then ran through a series of medical questions.

I wanted to tell him my inner Orrie was flaring and that his bedside manner was about to bring it into full bloom but he adjusted his tone and whatever face I was making disappeared.

Three weeks ago during an appointment with a different doc I rattled off a short list of things I was irritated about but I didn’t hide the irritation.

I wanted to as I rarely find it helpful to raise my voice but I wasn’t as good as I wanted to be. Don’t think I yelled but there was a hard edge in my voice and he clearly recognized it.

Got a few more appointments coming up and I find myself asking if this is what aging is about.

Most of it is basic stuff but there is more of it than when I was younger and so as the eye doc said I have cataracts but they’re still not ripe I shook my head.

Not time to deal with them yet, but it is coming just like another colonoscopy is a year or so away.

Sometimes ‘ancient technology’ is more effective than new.

The Sins Of The Father

I hadn’t planned on getting a new iPhone but fate placed me the right circumstances and situation for one so I walked out with a new 15.

Walked out of the store, pointed skyward and snorted as I thought about the sins of the father being played out by the son.

Wasn’t really a sin because I’ll end up paying less than I have been but it did make me laugh a bit because I heard the old man talk about similar things too.

Snorted when I realized that when he died I moved from an Iphone 6 to and 8 Plus partly because it seems peculiar to be able to track some passage of time via tech.

Got a new Mac during the time between then and now too.

Dad would appreciate it and understand not that anyone has to because there is no justification needed. I live my life balancing being present without tech and again with it.

Between the personal and professional worlds there are multiple cellphones, laptops and an iPad. I carry less cash than ever before because there is always a card or app that covers my charges.

Still I dislike having none on me so you’ll almost always find a sawbuck or two for those situations where cash is king.

This is especially true when I am traveling because there are lots of moments where you don’t know if there is an ATM or whether the facilities you roll through take a card.

Driving from California to Texas or through the lone star state to Arkansas, Louisiana and beyond can be an experience in small towns.

There have been more than a couple of times I traveled by ranches and have seen men on horseback that look like they could star in a movies about the old west.


Got the new phone nearby, charging in a wall and will grab it soon to see what is new and exciting. Thanks to the magical world of backups it is already set up to resemble the phone it replaced.

I know where my most important apps and files are and don’t expect to encounter too many issues because I am already familiar with most of it.

But Apple has made some changes so there were expenses for a new screen protector, case and cables.

It is mildly irritating but this should provide compatibility with other products so over time that expense will be less pronounced.

A tool is only as good as its user.

Another Yom Kippur

Hard to believe another Yom Kippur is just around the corner and that Fall has begun.

It has been a hell of a year in so many ways, most positive but some less so. Got some questions and uncertainty floating around but when do we not.

There is a list of things I want to accomplish and a list of past accomplishments floating through my head. Made a promise the other day not to break too many things in the coming weeks but figure that is unlikely.

I am done waiting for some answers and some help and have decided to drop the shoulder and start leaning in. If that means I stir up the hornets nest than that is what will happen.

Had that conversation with the younger Mr. Wilner and how our priorities may not be the priorities of others.

Sometimes it is ok to sit back but there comes a moment when the way you advocate for yourself needs to be adjusted.

That is why I gave notice to the people who needed to be made aware of my intentions. We’ll find out if they heard or believed me, but either way I am moving forward.

It is time.

To all who observe I wish an easy and meaningful fast.

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By Joshua Wilner

Hi, I am Josh Wilner and I am happy that you have decided to visit my corner of cyberspace. I am a writer/marketer/friend and family man. My professional background includes more than twenty years in working with businesses to help them do a better job of connecting with their existing and prospective customers. More specifically I have worked with companies of all sizes from the Fortune 500 to the new start up to help them build, develop and grow their social media and marketing plans. I love spending time with my family and friends. I enjoy music, reading, writing, playing sports and laughing.

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