Remember What I Said At The Thirsty Lion

We’re eating lunch at the Thirsty Lion catching up on things when I make a comment and a promise about things to come in the future.

We smile and and then I wake up and think about whether it was a dream or if maybe those things really did happen.

The dog licks my face and I tell him I am not that kind of guy and say true romance starts like this, “one kiss and your life is changed forever.”

He wags his tail and barks at me because he wants to go outside and so I oblige.

It is hot enough outside for me to consider whether I am old enough to worry about whether working in the yard will lead to heat stroke or a heart attack.

I am fired up about a few things and decide I am not going to worry about such things cuz I have things to do. “My heart got ripped out long ago, can’t kill what doesn’t exist, but you can try.”

The sun doesn’t respond and I laugh at the memory of the kid who used to say “I take this potch and throw it away!”

I already have a plan for how to deal with two of the three things and a vague idea for what needs to happen with number three.

A couple hours earlier a truck driver towing a race car made me think of Let’s Talk About The Speed Of Your Dating and I think I have a plan for number three.

I thought about it quite a bit when I was back in Los Angeles and shared a bunch with Dad. He didn’t answer and if he had he would have told me it was my decision.

That I know and I have owned it for a long while. Reminds me of climbing a mountain and the anticipation of what happens when you reach the summit.


Shortly after I finish my workout at the gym I receive a couple of emails in which I learn that I have mostly resolved the first two situations.

I don’t gloat or cackle about either but I feel a sense of accomplishment. That is the reward of having put a significant amount of time into specific skills and projects.

It is the benefit of having earned some respect and credibility and the gift of dealing with situations in which logic and reason are easily understood.

Sometimes you face others in which you can’t illustrate why someone ought to listen with simple math. You can’t provide an equation that answers all questions but you can say the proof is in past experience and faith.

You can say it is like love. You can’t always say why or how it exists, but when you feel it you know it does.

Run And Tell All Of The Angels

This video reminds me of magic and the joy of live music when people come together for nothing more than a short adventure.

Got me thinking of that trip to the kingdom and the time spent writing things down in the sacred books and tomes.  A mix of dreams, promises and the occasional scream.

Reminds me of the importance of dreaming and the actions you take to see if maybe the magic you felt lives in places other than inside your own mind.

Can’t fly unless you are willing to jump off a cliff and see if you have wings, a jetpack or a magic carpet you can count on.

Better to take a chance than not.

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By Joshua Wilner

Hi, I am Josh Wilner and I am happy that you have decided to visit my corner of cyberspace. I am a writer/marketer/friend and family man. My professional background includes more than twenty years in working with businesses to help them do a better job of connecting with their existing and prospective customers. More specifically I have worked with companies of all sizes from the Fortune 500 to the new start up to help them build, develop and grow their social media and marketing plans. I love spending time with my family and friends. I enjoy music, reading, writing, playing sports and laughing.

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