I postponed my next physical today because the timing was inconvenient.
Thought about how some people I know would call it more inconvenient to start treating undiscovered medical issues late when they are of less significance and shook my head.
Do I think I have any undiscovered medical issues?
No, not really.
Is it possible?
Sure, but so are a bunch of other things too. It is possible that I could win the lottery, be elected president and or discover a cure for some terminal illness.
Are any of those things likely?
I rarely play the lottery, don’t expect to run for president or try to develop a cure for some terminal illness so those things are unlikely.
Would this post be different if you saw me speaking or heard my voice?
A few people have said they notice a curvy lip and or my voice as being distinctive. Said the voice sounded deep, some said it sounded like I am from the East coast.
One or two others said I sound like I have a drawl.
Heck, I was at a wedding twenty some years ago where someone asked me what part of Ireland my village of Encino was located in. That was different.
Good Communication Skills
Good communication skills are of paramount importance in both our professional and personal worlds. That is something I have received praise and or high marks in almost every business review I have ever had.
Hasn’t stopped me from thinking about ways to improve nor considering the difference in impact between the written and spoken words.
Suppose it helps that I find it to be interesting.
I find it kind of interesting that in my personal life there have been some who didn’t give me high marks for communication.
Some have complained and I have almost always told them they don’t understand that if I am not communicating with you my silence should be interpreted as my not having interest.
Which is to say I am communicating that I don’t wish to engage with you so really I have strong skills in both areas. Don’t have to be a queen of shmatas to know this much is true or to appreciate it.
But if you ask me my favorite people to communicate with are those who just get me. I would guess that is true of most people.
It is refreshing and comforting to be with people who follow your line of thought and don’t require you to provide Cliff notes for every conversation.
Sometimes all you really need or want is to be able to hold out your hand and know another is there to clasp it or to be clasped.
It is such a simple thing and so easy to do but I know it is pretty damn scary for some.
Sometimes you need the 20 seconds of proverbial courage and an ounce of faith that whatever happens it is going to be ok.
Makes me wonder sometimes if the written word or the verbal is more/less likely to make such things happen.
Ponder that for a moment as you consider walking the line, it is easier than trying to figure out how many licks it truly takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop.
Technically has to be more than two, now doesn’t it.
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