Riding Silverman

There is a group of us standing around talking about old movies that we love and bouncing quotes off of each other.

I roll out a couple from Casablanca, The Blues Brothers, Walk The Line and Apollo 13 and nod smile at some of the others that are shared.

As we go back and forth one of the younger fellows says he has a great one from Riding Silverman. I snort, chuckle and shake my head

“Why are you laughing? Does that bring up a particular memory? Do you know the movie?”

I look at the guy and tell him he has to be wrong.

“It’s Saving Silverman unless you watched some x-rated show that I am not familiar with.’

He asks me what makes me an expert about Silverman movies and I ask him how many movies he can name that have a Jewish surname in the title.

“Besides, Saving Silverman is only about 20 years old, I remember thinking about going to see it when my oldest was a toddler.”

He looks at me and asks if I am sure Silverman is a Jewish name and I nod my head.

“Several cousins on my father’s side were named Silverman. I had grandparents named Silver and was told it was Silverman before they came here. So yeah, I am pretty sure. I’d get you in touch with Percy Silver but that is a long distance call now.”

I Kept My Promise

That is my grandfather in the picture above, the aforementioned Percy Silver who made me promise to keep his memory alive.

He would have accused me of giving the movie inquisitor “The Business” and he would have been partially correct.

I wasn’t wrong about the mistake he made naming the movie nor did I make anything up about the names and my family.

But I did I give him some grief, yeah I gave him a little bit of “The Business.

I make no apologies for it nor do I make apologies for offering my help and support to people who are too stubborn to take it.

It is hard to get me to commit to certain things. I am busy, stubborn and set in many of my ways. But there are those people I let into the circle who can always call me and know I’ll be there.

I don’t offer it blindly, easily or often but I don’t rescind it very easily either.

When my dear friend David was hospitalized with his brain tumor he called me from Boston to say he was being held against his will.

The tumor was wreaking havoc on his judgment in some areas so he didn’t recognize the hospital for what it was. He thought aliens had captured him but he knew that I would explore options for breaking him out of there.

We were 25.

I made two or three telephone calls after David and I spoke.

The first was to confirm what the hell was going on with him and the second was to see if another friend was still in Boston. I figured he could visit the hospital and give me a visual.  If things weren’t right, well I figured I could bunk with him and we’d figure out how to get David out.

If it makes you feel good you can call that silly, ridiculous and influenced by watching too many movies. You can be ambivalent too or anywhere in between and I am good with it.

I am just sharing small parts and pieces of who I am.

Would I do things differently now?

Probably, my body won’t tolerate some of the physical nonsense I used to put it through anymore. But that doesn’t mean I am not as good as I once was…once.

What it really means is I am far more likely now to think about it all. Measure twice, cut once.

Can’t be running into buildings without any forethought any more, it hurts when you jump off of roofs and or walls now. 😉

Actually it always hurt a little bit, but that went away very quickly. Things don’t always go away anymore like that, heck if you sneeze the wrong way you sometimes get a funny ache.

You Take Yourself Too Seriously

I have been accused of taking myself too seriously and of not taking myself seriously enough. The accusers have never been people who I believe know me well enough to have much insight.

Those words ring as true to me as asking me to wear a sweater because you are cold. It is unlikely to happen.


Been a particular sort of week and I have had a few moments where I was a little fired up.

Few if any knew that is how I felt because there was no benefit to sharing. No advantage or additional peace of mind given by sharing my thoughts.

Wasn’t going to make anything better and I wasn’t interested in platitudes. It was similar to when I was living on my own here in 2017 and there was all sorts of chaos going on.

Had to walk through hell covered in gasoline for a good part of that time by myself with not much more than faith that if I did so I would reach the other side and things would be better.

It all worked out, maybe not as I planned or hoped but it worked out and most of what was hard stopped being hard long ago.

Gave me a thicker skin, more stories to tell and additional faith in some abilities that I wasn’t as sure of.

Not something I would recommend or advise others to do but it also gave me insight and compassion in some areas that I didn’t have before.

I know far more about how scary some situations can be when they are out of your control and your influence is limited.

Why Are You So Certain?

The guy I gave “The Business” to didn’t just give in. He pushed back and asked me what made me think I was an expert on Riding Silverman.

I bit my lip and didn’t give him the answer that lay just behind my lips. Didn’t say what I was considering and went a slightly different direction.

“George Santos, do you really want me to make you feel foolish. Do you carry a pocket computer that can be used to look up news, trivia and assorted nonsense?”

He cocked his head and asked, “a cellphone?”

“Yeah, a cellphone like the one I am holding in my hand that says Saving Silverman starring Jason Biggs from the American Pie movies.

I wanted to end the conversation with a line from Casablanca. I wanted to say something snappy like Bogart but “We’ll always have Paris” or “Of all the gin joints, in all the towns, in all the world, she walks into mine” just didn’t work.

So I looked up at an imaginary spot on the ceiling and heard grandma tell grandpa not to give someone “The Business” and smiled.

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By Joshua Wilner

Hi, I am Josh Wilner and I am happy that you have decided to visit my corner of cyberspace. I am a writer/marketer/friend and family man. My professional background includes more than twenty years in working with businesses to help them do a better job of connecting with their existing and prospective customers. More specifically I have worked with companies of all sizes from the Fortune 500 to the new start up to help them build, develop and grow their social media and marketing plans. I love spending time with my family and friends. I enjoy music, reading, writing, playing sports and laughing.


  1. Barrett Rossie @barrettrossie – Spokane, Washington USA – Marketing manager that specializes in developing strategic messages that set brands apart, and bring their competitive position, benefits and brand personality to life. Visit me at http://barrettrossie.com
    Barrett Rossie says:

    I could watch Casablanca 100 times. It’s already been about 50.

    1. TheJackB – Someone complained that this page doesn’t tell you what to expect to find here in this blog so I aim to rectify this with the next line. I am a father who writes about life, parenting, business, politics and fiction. I don’t use an editorial calendar because I don’t map out what I am going to write that far in advance. The primary focus will be on things that relate to children and parenting. But the nifty thing about that is that encompasses a wide range of things. Sometimes I work with companies on their PR/Marketing efforts. If they provide products or services I will disclose it. Here is an incomplete list of companies that I am currently or have recently worked with: Nintendo, Philips Norelco, Subway, Frigidaire and Mattel. Want to know more about me, keep reading. If I wanted to provide a professional description it would looks similar to this: Jack has a Bachelor of Arts degree in journalism from California State University Northridge. He has been writing for print and web publications for more than twenty years, covering a wide range of topics including: business, technology, parenting, politics, education, sports and religion. That is far too serious so I prefer to use something like: The Jack B. is a writer and author of 39 unpublished books and three screenplays. A former athlete and would be superhero he still fights for truth, justice and the American Way. Though he may look like a grown man, don’t fool yourself he is still a boy at heart. When he is not engaged in Walter Mitty like fantasies he is a husband, father and friend and blogs at TheJackB. Hmm…obviously I have since moved from Random Thoughts over to this place, but that is ok. This page is a work in progress which is a good description for me. I’ll probably tweak this on a regular basis so feel free to keep checking back in because you never know what might show up. I am a prolific writer and update frequently so don’t forget to scroll down the page to see what nugget of wisdom you just might have missed. Here is a short selection of posts to get you started. A Father Describes Parenting A Father’s Burden How Sister’s Helped to Train A Father of “Daddy’s Girl” Inside the Blogger’s Studio- A Dream, Er Nightmare The GermoPhobe What I Dream About I am In Love Becoming a Dad Dad’s Most Important Job A Decade of Dad Grandpa Donuts Why Your Post Sucks and Everyone Hates Your Blog A Letter To My Children- Things That Matter A Letter To My Children-2011 Dad Balances Fear Versus Reality Q&A With Daddy Blogger JackB Save The Last Dance For Me- 75 Years of Marriage An Uncertain Certainty Four Generations & A Wedding The Best Thing My Father Ever Said To Me 1 Foolproof Way To Become a Better Writer The Story Of A House- The Final Days He Died A Hero Twenty-Five Links That Will Make You A Better Writer/Blogger Thanks for coming by, I hope you like it. If you want to reach me use the contact form or try talk-to-jacknow-at-gmail-dotcom You can also find more information by clicking About Me and reading my profile there. Also, I encourage you to sign up for my newsletter using the form on the top right hand side of the page.
      Joshua Wilner says:

      I’m with you. It never gets old. So well written.

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