Somewhere between the steps of the court house and my car I felt someone approach me from behind at a pace that made the hair rise on the back of my neck.
I spun around with right arm poised in a fashion that would provide enough space for me to determine who they were, what their intent was and whether they needed to kiss a car door.
The fellow that was running towards me veered off and headed towards a vehicle in a different aisle. I looked to see if he was being chased by someone and scanned the general environment to see if there was some other issue that I needed to be aware of.
Fortunately there wasn’t so I climbed into the car and prepared to return some telephone calls.
Checked my voicemail and listened to a semi garbled message in which it sounded like I was being asked to provide the meaning of the letters S & Q.
Thought about texting the caller back and asking him if he could provide the meaning of 25 or 6 to 4 but did not. It wasn’t because I didn’t think he would be unfamiliar with music by Chicago but because it was a work call and I don’t play games there.

The Golden Globes
Based upon my Facebook feed it looks like a bunch of people I know are watching them. Several have expressed satisfaction with whatever award The Fabelmans won.
Reminds me that I need to make a point to see it as I haven’t done so yet. Not quite sure how that happened as I am very interested in seeing it, just have to decide if I want to watch on the big screen or at home.
Fact is I am trying to figure out who sped up the clock as time is moving so quickly I think the days are now only 18 hours long and not 24.
Certainly thought about that last week when I was driving my oldest nephew and both of my kids around town.
Last week they were in car seats and the conversation from the back seat wasn’t about the work experience that brought my nephew to Texas.
But here we are heading into the middle of January 2023, I have paid for the second semester of my daughter’s freshman year and conversations about Summer plans are beginning.
Surely something has changed because when I woke up I was only 35 and that girl was an infant.
Got Cheap Trick singing I Want You To Want Me in my ear as I stare at the notepad next to me and think about what projects aren’t listed on it.
Barely out of the most recent stay cation and here we are with a list that doesn’t want to hold still.
Water on the fridge isn’t working so I changed the filter thinking maybe there might be a clog there and determined that wasn’t the issue.
Water line wasn’t frozen which made me think we have a different issue and played around with whether I want to buy the part and replace it myself.
Probably not too difficult but if I muck things up there are other issues so might just by a Brita.
Thought about how fast time moves again because I think Dad and I might have done this with one of their old fridges but can’t remember if we did or not.
Could be about 10 years, maybe more, maybe less. Can’t call to ask because he strode off into the cornfields 4.5 years ago.
Got to update some blogs, fix some coding issues and make some other determinations on some related stuff but put that off to focus on some other stuff.
Figured it would be a day, maybe two before I circled back and discovered it is much longer than that.
Really beginning to think these 18 hour days are a thing and not just imagination.

Technology Woes & Highs
I don’t get many headaches but I have one going now that makes me wonder if headbutting a wall would be helpful.
Probably not but there is a part of me that wants to punish the part that hurts me. Someone ask my mom about whether I would bang my head on the ground when I was angry.
Not a smart move or a fine trait, but it is something I grew out of when I was 2 or so.
Actually I think the Advil is starting to kick in so no need to do something as foolish as headbutt the wall. Got plenty of other foolish stuff to engage in that requires less risk of stitches or patching holes in a wall.
Sometimes I think about whether I am too old to become a plumber/mechanic/electrician because there is so much I could do if I took the time to really improve my skills.
Might be nice to be my own handyman, would save me some time and money but not as much as I would need it to do for me to focus on all three areas.
I am not bad with my hands, can do a fair amount and enjoy it. But there are things that are more involved and take more effort than watching a video or reading a book.
Screw those things up and you end paying more in time and money.
Add a long list of interests and there isn’t time to focus and gain the depth of experience I want in as many areas as I want to focus upon.
But who knows, I might decide to dig into some of it.
Told the kids about running telephone lines in the old house. Explained how I had to climb into the crawl space and figure out where grandpa was shining the flashlight through the holes we drilled.
I love tech, but sometimes I miss those days of simplicity.
Never wondered if Verizon was having issues or if Frontier was a problem. Never juggled cell coverage against the WiFi.
Could pop open the hood of the car and not need a computer to work upon it.
But let’s be honest, walking around with a computer in your pocket is pretty damn cool. The access to information and ability to educate yourself is phenomenal.
Can’t call the nice lady and ask her to tell you the time but Siri will answer that and about 10 million others.
Not too shabby.
Got to roll now, there is some coding work to do and some updates elsewhere.
Life moves quickly, got to dance with it or get left watching.
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