The Story Of My Favorite Monkey

Some of you want to hear the story of my favorite monkey because you have a desperate need to know more about how I pepper my pike and so I have answers for you.

Some may be found in things like Maybe It Is The Second Half Of Life and or the lucky pair of shorts that I picked up a week before a business trip to Dallas some 16 years ago.

Took a look at a profile picture and saw something that spoke to me in the same old way as always and thought I ought maybe it is the time to tell the story of my favorite monkey.

Maybe you ought to know about fate, karma, destiny and the crazy circumstances that surround it all. And then I remembered I am currently in secret agent mode and playing a ninja who must remain quiet so you don’t get to hear the story.

So let’s take a break and watch a video that promotes Josh wine, a wine I have never had but given it is very fine name is probably quite tasty just like Josh.

Too Damn Cold

Got a request to do some outdoors stuff on Thursday and told the fine folks to contact my clone because it is too damn cold to be outside on Thursday.

They asked how to get a hold of my clone and I just laughed and said that rumor has it he gave up the ghost and might be heard to contact.

Reminded them I have spent time in waist deep snow in Buffalo and wandered a good mile through the streets of Toronto without a winter hat and have nothing to prove.

“You know this isn’t going to be that kind of cold.”

“No, it is not but I am not that kind of man anymore either. You’ll find me inside, maybe with a mug of something warm or maybe not.

Don’t know if I’ll have heat because the governor of my state is an idiot who is spending his time conducting political stunts in which he accuses Washington of creating an immigration crisis and ignores the kids who died in Uvalde because of his policies.

The same failing policies behind other deaths and tied to those who died when the grid failed in 2020.

But I am from hearty stock and though I am West coast bred and born the blood of a hundred Chicagoans and another 100 folks from Indiana and New York flows through me which is to say the cold won’t kill me.

Irritate and annoy me but not kill me.

Been told by some they don’t think I could handle living in the lands of snow and I always laugh. I can handle living anywhere if I believe in doing so but those places typically aren’t among my first choices of places to live.

Believe me, I know plenty of folks from the colder climates who share fond memories of childhood but haven’t lived in those places for decades.

On an unrelated side note might I say how bizarre it is that Boebert and MTG, two of the dumbest and least accomplished people to slink into Congress are fighting.

Maybe bizarre is the wrong word and maybe it is wrong for me to say I am not sure they’re smart enough to understand the barbs they are slinging at each other.

I sure hope those who voted for them appreciate what they have gotten by hitching their wagons to dumb and dumber.

Adventure Is Worth Taking A Chance On Happiness

Gave some advice not long ago that adventure is worth taking a chance on happiness. It sounds awkward written out like that so let’s circle back and adjust it.

Sometimes you have to give yourself a chance to catch your breath before you go back into taking on the world, but you need to do so.

Your happiness is worth taking on some risk and you’ll lose more than you know if you avoid it. The reward is worth it and taking on some adventure for a chance on happiness offers some great experiences as part of the package, or something like that.

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By Joshua Wilner

Hi, I am Josh Wilner and I am happy that you have decided to visit my corner of cyberspace. I am a writer/marketer/friend and family man. My professional background includes more than twenty years in working with businesses to help them do a better job of connecting with their existing and prospective customers. More specifically I have worked with companies of all sizes from the Fortune 500 to the new start up to help them build, develop and grow their social media and marketing plans. I love spending time with my family and friends. I enjoy music, reading, writing, playing sports and laughing.

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