I Prefer The Tip Jar

I don’t want to kiss and tell but she kissed me first and she knows it but that was in a different life than this one. A life where technology wasn’t being used as a replacement for the tip jar.

A life where I could pay for my groceries without being asked if I wanted to contribute to three different charities on the three screens that preceded the screen that contains the actual bill for the items I want to purchase.

You know the items that I chose to go pick up in person as opposed to purchase online.

I am a huge fan of online shopping and appreciate the convenience of it. I am a busy guy and the time saved adds up and is applied to important stuff.

But there are moments where I choose to venture out and am reminded there are things I prefer not be done electronically.

Tipping and tip jars are one of those things.

I don’t like the screen that offers a good, better and best option for tipping. I don’t like having people stare at me while I choose how much to give them.

Griffith Park Laserium

Speaking of things from the past I could tell you about dates at the LA Zoo or the Griffith Park Laserium but would you want to hear about them?

Probably not.

Ok, some of you might but only for a moment and only if I told you the good stuff like finding out who would put their legs behind their ears.

Funny thing is that legs behind their ears thing is something that could refer to yoga or gymnastic classes or maybe not.

So slow down there and pretend you came to a room with yellow tape over the door and can’t pass through.

This isn’t the Fort Worth Love Nest, or the Flower Mound follies. Hell it is not even the Great Hall of Ketchup sandwiches and believe me, some of you got a mouthful of that more than once.

Caught all sorts flak for being hairless today and asked if anyone wanted to call me Wilson Fisk but no one got the reference and I was cool with that.

Won’t take particularly long for the long locks to return and I shall not look like a shorn sheep anymore. Nor shall I throw out random quotes about how sometimes one aches when they are apart.

You could use your air more than you know, knew or think or maybe not.

Was one hell of a day and I am just free wheeling and free writing as I go down the page.

Speaking of going down I looked down from the elliptical upon the fine folks at the gym and discovered another youngster without a shirt.

“This isn’t the damn locker room, put your shirt on you silly peacock.”

Surprised myself when I said it but wasn’t surprised to see the young lad reapply his shirt because I used my “Dad voice” and it is mighty indeed.

Especially when accompanied by the hard glare and the mighty guns that have come back after some time apart.


In the laserium days of yore we would go during the week or upon the weekend and then gradually make our way into Hollywood or Santa Monica.

Sometimes we’d end up at Canter’s Deli or sometimes the beach and stay out until the sun we had watched set chose to rise again.

And now Last of the Mohicans soundtrack is playing and two images hit my mind.

The last seven or so minutes and Hawkeye saying “I will find you.”

There are stories tied to both, oh yes there are. Once upon a lifetime.

There Are Layers

There are layers upon layers in these stories and more than just a simple fight between a gladiator and an emperor.

There are epic tales of hope, dreams and tragedy–stories of life.

There are layers and shades of gray amongst the giant rainbows and thunderstorms.

I do love technology, it has brought so many good things into my life, but damn, sometimes I prefer the tip jar too.

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By Joshua Wilner

Hi, I am Josh Wilner and I am happy that you have decided to visit my corner of cyberspace. I am a writer/marketer/friend and family man. My professional background includes more than twenty years in working with businesses to help them do a better job of connecting with their existing and prospective customers. More specifically I have worked with companies of all sizes from the Fortune 500 to the new start up to help them build, develop and grow their social media and marketing plans. I love spending time with my family and friends. I enjoy music, reading, writing, playing sports and laughing.

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