Pictures Of A Different Life

The night I wrote The Real Reason I Moved To Texas I discovered one of the genealogy sites I use will take pictures of a person and use them to show what they would have looked like in a different time/age.

Couldn’t help myself so I want some through the system and got a good laugh out of what I saw, pictures of a different life.

I’ll share some of them here so they can be recorded for posterity and frankly I need to find a distraction because I am dealing with a situation that is taking up some mental bandwidth. It’s nothing horrible but it’s also something I can’t ignore so the great brain is rolling through possible solutions and options to determine what is best.

Don’t want a short term bandage for this one because if I do it right the first time I won’t have to do it again.

The shot below is supposed to be a ‘Celtic Warrior.’ I think it works, at least in respect of looking like me, not all of them do.

This next one is called ‘Greek God’ and it makes me laugh because my eyes look bluish. You can call that a Wilner family joke of sorts as my dad and middle sister both had blue eyes.

That used to be their thing, to tell us how lucky they were and how unlucky we were. I used to tell them they didn’t have recessive genes, they had regressive.

It was a silly remark, but a big brother has to tease their little sisters about something. It is in the rules and I always follow them.

Anyhoo, the hair kind of cracks me up too because my hair was never straight. There was a time I had quite a few curls, but for the most part it was black and kinky, standard Jewfro.

If you asked I would tell you I have imagined what life would have been like had I been born in a different time or age.

Some people have told me they hate the idea of living without tech and modern medicine but I never worry about that kind of stuff.

I understand they dislike the idea because they are tied to the conveniences both provide but I figure I wouldn’t have been bothered the lack of either because you don’t miss what you never had.

Though I expect there would have been moments where I would have wished for some sort of medical miracle for someone I cared about but that isn’t any different than some experiences I have had in the present.

Reminds of one conversation in which someone tried to convince me that I am not taking the lack of modern medicine seriously enough because the simple things we have cured might have been nightmarish.

I won’t bother with it because time travel doesn’t exist and because genetics play an enormous role in what our health is or isn’t like in every time/age.

That reminds me of something I read during the 10,000 conversations about Y2K. It was a piece on what inventions moved society along.

One fine fellow or lady, can’t remember who said it suggested the mirror had primary responsibility for industry.

Their take stated something to the effect of ‘once we got a look at ourselves we were moved to do things to improve our looks. That led to clothing, hair cuts, make up, jewelry and all sorts of other parts and pieces of industry.

It is an interesting thought and I remember thinking it made sense and still does to me.

Your Trips/Orders Have Been Canceled

Several people have discovered or are going to discover that using the wrong email address can lead to multiple issues.

I receive a ridiculous amount and don’t want anymore but I get a bunch because some folks don’t know their address and keep having crap sent to mine.

These include an assortment of newsletters as well as orders for trips, jewelry and hats among other things.

Sometimes the telephone number of the person who ordered these items have been included so I have reached out to them to let them know their transaction has gone through and been shared with me.

But over time I have seen the same people use the wrong address multiple times so I figured since they didn’t listen to me and can’t be bothered to pay attention I’ll cancel whatever is ordered.

That hasn’t happened much, it took place after I had notified the company that sent the email they had the wrong address and I still received additional notice.


My daughter is home from school on Thanksgiving break. Been nice to see her though she has kept herself busy.

She has connected with some old friends who go to other universities and picked up a few shifts at her old job. I appreciate that about her, she is a go-getter.

Definitely not one to just sit around.

Heck, all of my kids are people who take action and go after what they want. Guess years of my telling them to pursue what they want and not just pass through life has had a positive impact.

Can’t take all of the credit because saying something doesn’t mean it will be listened to and acted upon. They get credit for doing the actual work.

That reminds me that I hope to retire one day and find myself wondering if the Celtic warrior ever got to do that.

The Greek gods got to sit around Olympus so I suppose you could sort of call what they did a retirement of sorts but given there are no such beings as Zeus, Poseidon or Hades there is no career path to follow.

But Celtic warrior is a different story. Probably not advantageous to try and emulate them, but there are moments where I think it might be fun to be the Dread Pirate Roberts.

You could say that is sort of a related field to Celtic warrior right?  😉

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By Joshua Wilner

Hi, I am Josh Wilner and I am happy that you have decided to visit my corner of cyberspace. I am a writer/marketer/friend and family man. My professional background includes more than twenty years in working with businesses to help them do a better job of connecting with their existing and prospective customers. More specifically I have worked with companies of all sizes from the Fortune 500 to the new start up to help them build, develop and grow their social media and marketing plans. I love spending time with my family and friends. I enjoy music, reading, writing, playing sports and laughing.

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