Red Dress, Blue Dress & A Black Eye

Got a pair of second generation Air Pods Pro in my ears that have become among the most important tools I use for personal and professional reasons.

Can hear the echoes of the future with or without the air pods but they help me shut out the world as needed and focus upon the important things.

Take a moment to review recent posts that help me walk through the jungle inside the space between my ears in a more organized fashion and laugh.

Had a moment a short while ago where I tried to figure out how a knife could be jammed in my back and through my gut simultaneously.

Could feel my own cone of silence drop down from the ceiling and knew the force field was activated and wondered how it could be so easily missed.

Walked my way through the kingdom and left to my own devices considered stories like the Red Dress, Blue Dress & A Black Eye and mulled over returning to the gym for a second round.

Been a little while since I tried pushing through a double workout day and am confident I can do it but not sure if it is the right move.

How Much Time Do We Get

Could put a question mark or a period by the subhead and it would be the same sort of answer to me. I wonder if I have 10, 20 or 30 summers left and consider how differently I might choose to live if I had a definitive answer.

Doing my best to take the time seriously and to live like the clock is ticking louder and faster because we just don’t know but also trying to be responsible.

Responsible in the respect that I given the lack of specifics in how much time I have there is a reason not to spend money with reckless abandon.

But also a reason to be ready to spend it on experiences because those are what turn life from the mundane and ordinary into the extraordinary.

Certainly not every moment and not every time and that is ok. We need those mundane moments and normal to accentuate things so that we recognize and appreciate those that cross over.

It is why I write/speak so often about being aware of who we choose to spend our time with because if they don’t help fill your soul and make you feel valued than you are with the wrong people.

Life isn’t supposed to be endured and passed through.

Sure there are moments where that is required and part of what you have to do but it shouldn’t be the primary thing.

And it is also why I don’t think you have to live in an echo chamber with people who parrot and agree with everything you say, think and do.

It is ok to have different opinions and to be challenged on your thoughts and ideas. As long as you are not talking about people who hold morally reprehensible positions and do things that you think are awful.

Writing It Down

Bruce is playing in my ear and I can hear the big man on the sax and though I didn’t know Clarence, I miss him. He brought a certain energy into things and that can’t be replaced or replicated.

You have to insert a different sort of energy and that is ok. It is not a bad thing, it is different and that can mean good or bad.

I lean towards good, rather be optimistic and I am pretty good at shifting quickly if I need to.

So here I am at the computer writing down thoughts and ideas, putting memories onto pages so that I can taste the sweet nectar and the sour vinegar aspect of it once again.

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By Joshua Wilner

Hi, I am Josh Wilner and I am happy that you have decided to visit my corner of cyberspace. I am a writer/marketer/friend and family man. My professional background includes more than twenty years in working with businesses to help them do a better job of connecting with their existing and prospective customers. More specifically I have worked with companies of all sizes from the Fortune 500 to the new start up to help them build, develop and grow their social media and marketing plans. I love spending time with my family and friends. I enjoy music, reading, writing, playing sports and laughing.

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