When You Start A Story Whose End Must Wait

Something I ate tried to kill me but I don’t die easily so whatever offended my system or was offended by me has been an inconvenience.

Damn thing might prove to have screwed a few things up that I had thought were fixed but that has yet to be confirmed.

I roll with what is given to me so while I was occupied I started thinking about a few pieces of fiction that I have been playing around with.

Came up with the headline above but wasn’t satisfied because something seemed off and then I realized it was because I grabbed a song lyric.

Reminded me of the idea of stealing like an artist but I ultimately decided that I didn’t want to use it so I grabbed it for this blog post.

It is not like I don’t have the personal experience to draw upon because I do but I really appreciate it as a writer.

I have heard some writers talk about knowing the end to their story and working backwards but I typically don’t roll that way unless necessary.

More often I prefer to leave the ending open because it provides more room for characters to develop.

As I breathe life into them I like seeing what they choose to do with whatever is given to them.

That being said I always have a rough outline of who they are and what they are about, but beyond that…

So Many Questions

When I look back on the last nine or 10 years I see a long list of things that puzzled me.

I had so many questions and I dug for answers on quite a few of them. Many times I had my own hypothesis and suspicions and some of those were proven correct.

But a few were clearly way off base and I was very surprised to learn how wrong I was.

Not always though.

Sometimes I was pretty darn close and wished that I was as accurate at picking lottery numbers.

Not that it matters as I almost never play. Heck, when I get the urge I often take the 1, 5 or $10 and throw it in a jar.

Might not grow as well as it would in a CD or other investment but the odds of my getting to spend it on something I like and not throw it after something I’m unlikely to win are much better.


Weather is still pretty nice here though that can change in short order.

Spent last Monday night in Tulsa and woke up to 30 degree weather and was reminded that the finger I dislocated in January of 2017 doesn’t always like that.

Most days I don’t think about it but when I notice it there is a good chance that it is because of something like that or because it doesn’t feel quite as strong as the others.

Gradually that has diminished but sometimes the cold ticks something or bowling reminds me.

I guess it is the pulling feeling that comes with the ball or something like that.

Good Solutions & Bandages

Had a number of challenges crop up last week that were of varying degrees of difficulty.

Came up with a few good solutions and a couple of bandages.

Those bandages concern me because they struck me as if we put the circle into the square.

It fills up most of the hole but there are some gaps and that is what bothers me…the gaps.

Or more appropriately the things that might fall into the gaps because sometimes the little things turn into the big things.

Won’t know for a bit because I am waiting to hear about a few things and that chaps my hide a bit.

I feel like I could do a lot more if I had a few more details or at least make more plans but for now I am stuck…waiting.

And in between there are a million other things that need to be attended to which is why I sent out a dozen emails.

Sometimes that is what it takes to get things moving.

As I reminder the younger Mr. Wilner people ought not to think my silence on some things is because I forgot about them.

I didn’t and I will come back but if I do I am typically less flexible and have probably already worked something out that you’ll have to abide by.

Better to work together up front and have a say than to be voluntold or so I try to live.

So many questions still to be answered, guess we’re going to find out what and where some things are going.

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By Joshua Wilner

Hi, I am Josh Wilner and I am happy that you have decided to visit my corner of cyberspace. I am a writer/marketer/friend and family man. My professional background includes more than twenty years in working with businesses to help them do a better job of connecting with their existing and prospective customers. More specifically I have worked with companies of all sizes from the Fortune 500 to the new start up to help them build, develop and grow their social media and marketing plans. I love spending time with my family and friends. I enjoy music, reading, writing, playing sports and laughing.

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