They Weren’t The Johnny & June Chronicles Or Were They?

Sometimes I mess around with headlines and links to see what that does to my SEO for no reason other than just because.

It is why you see put multiple versions of the same song because I like to experiment and play around with different ways to tell a particular tale, even those one doesn’t talk about in public.

The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face– Peter, Paul & Mary
The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face– Roberta Flack

The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face– Johnny Cash

There is something that fascinates me about how you can take a simple tale and tell it in different ways and generate different thoughts and ideas based upon the telling.

I raised the children to look for substance in people and to focus on the internal first before the external but at the same time I have to acknowledge the impact of presentation.

Thought about that today as I tried on multiple pairs of eyeglasses as some of them made me look silly and outrageous where others provided a different sort of impact.

Told my son that I appreciated his being there because there is no one who is more blunt about his thoughts and feelings with me than him.

You Have a Big Head

The woman at the store took a look at my current pair of eyeglasses and immediately said they were too small for me.

“You’re not a small man. Those frames look a little tight.”

I hadn’t noticed and neither had anyone in the family until she said it but as soon as she did my son picked up on precisely what she had noticed.

“Dad, the temples aren’t right. You have a big head…like grandpa.”

We used to tease the old man about having a very large head and since he died there has been some discussion that I might have inherited that from him.

Might be the lack of hair or maybe I am getting smarter and the melon needs to grow in size to contain the additional brain power.

B’Sof  Ha-yom at the end of the day the reason doesn’t matter as I needed a larger frame and was pleased to find one that I feel good about.

So in 7-10 days we’ll see if those glasses impact my presentation to the world a little bit or maybe more.

And now we take a music break:

The younger Mr. Wilner told me again about how odd it was to say something that sounded like it should have come from my mouth.

“It is kind of creepy dad. I am not supposed to sound like my father.”

I laughed and told him to just accept the indoctrination and mentioned how it happens to all of us.

“I hear grandpa say something using my voice more often than I want to admit.

He never could have done half of the jobs I have had because he hated the idea. It wasn’t him and he had no interest in ever trying it. I know because he and I talked about it.

He wasn’t bad mouthing me, he was talking about similarities and differences between us the same way you and I have.

But there are some things that aren’t just from living together, they are genetic.”

I didn’t tell him that given time and experiences you don’t worry about proving you are your own man.

Had that conversation last year with a young colleague who was frustrated by it. When he asked how I got past it I said I had been married, become a father, bought a house and done a dozen other things that made my own mark on the world.

“It comes from within. You have to find the thing that makes you feel comfortable and confident. I did that. Hell, when the kids were really little I was the only source of income. That included buying the house and a chunk of years afterwards.

All those things were enough for me to feel like I earned my stripes, but that feeling came from me and not from anyone else. No one could have told me that and made me believe it.”

That is one of the biggest tricks in life, being comfortable in your own skin and confident in yourself.

That is why things are falling into place the way they are now. I know who I am, what I am and what I am not.

I know what kind of life I want to live and what I want to let go of and leave behind.

Doctor, Doctor, Doctor

I hadn’t intended to make September the month of doctor’s visits and health checks but that is how it has worked out.

If I were a superstitious man I might say the universe is conspiring to position me for the changes that are on the horizon and the future to come.

Time to set benchmarks again to measure against so that I can more effectively measure my progress.

Time to join a gym again and make use of more resources to move things more speedily in the direction I wish to go in.

Not entirely pleased with what I see or feel but not entirely irritated either. I can feel the change in the wind and visualize a better tomorrow.

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By Joshua Wilner

Hi, I am Josh Wilner and I am happy that you have decided to visit my corner of cyberspace. I am a writer/marketer/friend and family man. My professional background includes more than twenty years in working with businesses to help them do a better job of connecting with their existing and prospective customers. More specifically I have worked with companies of all sizes from the Fortune 500 to the new start up to help them build, develop and grow their social media and marketing plans. I love spending time with my family and friends. I enjoy music, reading, writing, playing sports and laughing.

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