I Don’t Want This Crown

Got an appointment with a guy who is going to stick his hands inside my mouth to give me a crown I don’t want but I suppose it is better than a root canal.

Took the college girl back to her new domicile and pretended not to hear Cardi B being played by someone around there as if I am some sort of prude guy.

But there are boundaries and things that my kids and I don’t need to get real deep into.

Was quite the weekend and finished it by explaining to the younger Mr. Wilner to understand his old man has been exploring and researching opportunities for the second half for a number of years.

“You’re not the only one with dreams and if you don’t work on figuring out how to live them you’ll spend your life watching it pass by.

That is not who I am.

Fail to plan and you plan to fail. It sounds silly but it is true.”

Work Vacation

You could describe the day as a work vacation and I took advantage of time to do some electronic filing and to schedule some meetings.

Got a number of RSVPs and spent a couple of minutes mapping out questions and conversation so that I can continue to exert my influence in a variety of areas or at least try to.

Mentioned to the younger Mr. Wilner that some of my conversations sound like I am winging it and to an extent I am but I usually have a goal in mind and try to direct things.

“Don’t reinvent the wheel when you don’t have to. Take your experience and figure out how to work smarter, not harder.

Figure out how to paint a picture that others can visualize and understand.”

When you spend time polishing your craft and have a certain amount of success you can attribute others not seeing it to one of three things.

  1. You didn’t do a good job of explaining/describing your vision/concern.
  2. They just don’t understand the picture you painted.
  3. They understand and don’t care.

If you have confidence that you did a good job with the first item you are stuck with two other options and I am not sure which of those two is worst.

Cleaning Out My Feed

Been spending more time cleaning out my various feeds of people who I have a limited relationship with who live in a world whose values are at significant odds with mine.

People who keep posting nonsense about how divisive the current president is with the previous one.

If you believe that theft and mishandling of classified documents isn’t serious, that repeated lies about election fraud that didn’t happen, the continual push for a culture war and attacks on law enforcement are ok we’re going to have issues.

You can’t attack 46 for pointing out the dangers in such rhetoric and the actions surrounding them and say nothing about 45’s behavior.

Or you can and I will assume that you’re ignorant, willfully blind and or drunk/high.

The point is if there is no room for civil disagreement and we don’t really know each other I am unlikely to maintain contact because I am not interested in reading conspiracy theory or banging my head against the wall.

I don’t live in an echo chamber and read multiple sources from across the spectrum so I am not worried that eliminating noise will damage my ability to remain informed.

Those who know me well understand I don’t fear challenging my beliefs or engaging in discussions with those who differ.

But if you push the sort of stupidity that sits alongside flat earth theory and Holocaust denial there is rarely if any reason for me to wade into the muck.

Got enough head and heart ache without adding more brain damage.

There is a time and place for sharing your thoughts in and on multiple areas and the wise person recognizes when and where as well the time not to be silent.

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By Joshua Wilner

Hi, I am Josh Wilner and I am happy that you have decided to visit my corner of cyberspace. I am a writer/marketer/friend and family man. My professional background includes more than twenty years in working with businesses to help them do a better job of connecting with their existing and prospective customers. More specifically I have worked with companies of all sizes from the Fortune 500 to the new start up to help them build, develop and grow their social media and marketing plans. I love spending time with my family and friends. I enjoy music, reading, writing, playing sports and laughing.


  1. I guess I’m the lucky one because I haven’t had to “erase” anyone from my life since January 6th, 2021, and even on that day I only had to eliminate a few people because I’d dropped a bunch earlier after the George Floyd murder, and a larger group before that after the orange guy had been in office for about six months, when the real insanity hit. Frankly, it’s amazing that those folks are in the minority because they seem to act like they’re the majority, and I’ll admit that if I wasn’t living in New York I’d be pretty scared of what could be coming next.

    1. TheJackB – Someone complained that this page doesn’t tell you what to expect to find here in this blog so I aim to rectify this with the next line. I am a father who writes about life, parenting, business, politics and fiction. I don’t use an editorial calendar because I don’t map out what I am going to write that far in advance. The primary focus will be on things that relate to children and parenting. But the nifty thing about that is that encompasses a wide range of things. Sometimes I work with companies on their PR/Marketing efforts. If they provide products or services I will disclose it. Here is an incomplete list of companies that I am currently or have recently worked with: Nintendo, Philips Norelco, Subway, Frigidaire and Mattel. Want to know more about me, keep reading. If I wanted to provide a professional description it would looks similar to this: Jack has a Bachelor of Arts degree in journalism from California State University Northridge. He has been writing for print and web publications for more than twenty years, covering a wide range of topics including: business, technology, parenting, politics, education, sports and religion. That is far too serious so I prefer to use something like: The Jack B. is a writer and author of 39 unpublished books and three screenplays. A former athlete and would be superhero he still fights for truth, justice and the American Way. Though he may look like a grown man, don’t fool yourself he is still a boy at heart. When he is not engaged in Walter Mitty like fantasies he is a husband, father and friend and blogs at TheJackB. Hmm…obviously I have since moved from Random Thoughts over to this place, but that is ok. This page is a work in progress which is a good description for me. I’ll probably tweak this on a regular basis so feel free to keep checking back in because you never know what might show up. I am a prolific writer and update frequently so don’t forget to scroll down the page to see what nugget of wisdom you just might have missed. Here is a short selection of posts to get you started. A Father Describes Parenting A Father’s Burden How Sister’s Helped to Train A Father of “Daddy’s Girl” Inside the Blogger’s Studio- A Dream, Er Nightmare The GermoPhobe What I Dream About I am In Love Becoming a Dad Dad’s Most Important Job A Decade of Dad Grandpa Donuts Why Your Post Sucks and Everyone Hates Your Blog A Letter To My Children- Things That Matter A Letter To My Children-2011 Dad Balances Fear Versus Reality Q&A With Daddy Blogger JackB Save The Last Dance For Me- 75 Years of Marriage An Uncertain Certainty Four Generations & A Wedding The Best Thing My Father Ever Said To Me 1 Foolproof Way To Become a Better Writer The Story Of A House- The Final Days He Died A Hero Twenty-Five Links That Will Make You A Better Writer/Blogger Thanks for coming by, I hope you like it. If you want to reach me use the contact form or try talk-to-jacknow-at-gmail-dotcom You can also find more information by clicking About Me and reading my profile there. Also, I encourage you to sign up for my newsletter using the form on the top right hand side of the page.
      Joshua Wilner says:

      I have weeded out most of the people whose views I feel are reprehensible and are not open to dialogue. But there are a few here and there.

      I am not convinced they have any connection with reality not just because of the conspiracy theories they push but based upon voting.

      We continue to see that a majority are more moderate than they are but that minority is loud and actively working on trying to hide that and intimidate people.

    2. TheJackB – Someone complained that this page doesn’t tell you what to expect to find here in this blog so I aim to rectify this with the next line. I am a father who writes about life, parenting, business, politics and fiction. I don’t use an editorial calendar because I don’t map out what I am going to write that far in advance. The primary focus will be on things that relate to children and parenting. But the nifty thing about that is that encompasses a wide range of things. Sometimes I work with companies on their PR/Marketing efforts. If they provide products or services I will disclose it. Here is an incomplete list of companies that I am currently or have recently worked with: Nintendo, Philips Norelco, Subway, Frigidaire and Mattel. Want to know more about me, keep reading. If I wanted to provide a professional description it would looks similar to this: Jack has a Bachelor of Arts degree in journalism from California State University Northridge. He has been writing for print and web publications for more than twenty years, covering a wide range of topics including: business, technology, parenting, politics, education, sports and religion. That is far too serious so I prefer to use something like: The Jack B. is a writer and author of 39 unpublished books and three screenplays. A former athlete and would be superhero he still fights for truth, justice and the American Way. Though he may look like a grown man, don’t fool yourself he is still a boy at heart. When he is not engaged in Walter Mitty like fantasies he is a husband, father and friend and blogs at TheJackB. Hmm…obviously I have since moved from Random Thoughts over to this place, but that is ok. This page is a work in progress which is a good description for me. I’ll probably tweak this on a regular basis so feel free to keep checking back in because you never know what might show up. I am a prolific writer and update frequently so don’t forget to scroll down the page to see what nugget of wisdom you just might have missed. Here is a short selection of posts to get you started. A Father Describes Parenting A Father’s Burden How Sister’s Helped to Train A Father of “Daddy’s Girl” Inside the Blogger’s Studio- A Dream, Er Nightmare The GermoPhobe What I Dream About I am In Love Becoming a Dad Dad’s Most Important Job A Decade of Dad Grandpa Donuts Why Your Post Sucks and Everyone Hates Your Blog A Letter To My Children- Things That Matter A Letter To My Children-2011 Dad Balances Fear Versus Reality Q&A With Daddy Blogger JackB Save The Last Dance For Me- 75 Years of Marriage An Uncertain Certainty Four Generations & A Wedding The Best Thing My Father Ever Said To Me 1 Foolproof Way To Become a Better Writer The Story Of A House- The Final Days He Died A Hero Twenty-Five Links That Will Make You A Better Writer/Blogger Thanks for coming by, I hope you like it. If you want to reach me use the contact form or try talk-to-jacknow-at-gmail-dotcom You can also find more information by clicking About Me and reading my profile there. Also, I encourage you to sign up for my newsletter using the form on the top right hand side of the page.
      Joshua Wilner says:

      I think they are a loud minority and that more than a few of the middle are happy to be silent when they ought to be pushing back, but that is me.

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