Did You Read Johnny’s Letters?

Cannot confirm nor deny I reviewed work emails on a Sunday night or that I thought I saw something asking about Johnny’s letters.

Can say it reminded me of a several songs that I listen to here and there.
Please Read The Letter
Letter To You
Tear Stained Letter
Tales of Brave Ulysses

And my mind wandered as it does through the boxes of thoughts and ideas and I remembered getting a note in which someone asked how to best support me when my dad was in the throes of chemo.

That got me thinking about the times I have offered my own support and wondered if I ought to reach out through the silence and connect.

It is a conversation I have had before because I have advised others to do more than just tell someone they are there. Sometimes you have to act.

And the question we have asked is what happens when you have held out a hand and it hasn’t been taken.

The answer to me is always–it depends.

And that took me back to I’ll Find You In Another Life which is not what some think because there are layers upon layers in it.

That is intentional.

The Fire Burns

The younger Mr. Wilner and I spent time discussing career paths and choices this weekend.

We talked about runways and open road in the respect that he has so much time ahead of him he can take a different approach than I can.

I am in a place in which certain opportunities require two or three years in one position before taking a shot at another so you have to be more certain of what you swing for.

Because if you don’t get it or hate what you are doing you could position yourself in a bad way for the home stretch of the career and who wants that.

But three years of hard work and planning have provided an interesting position that reminds me of how the unexpected can happen in both the person and professional world.

And maybe the most important thing we can do is be ready for that tired cliche of “when opportunity knocks.”

If the opportunity to chase your passion comes at an unscheduled moment you might have to go for it or risk never getting the chance again.

Some say that is a ridiculous approach and that what is for you won’t pass you but I think one ought not to put all their eggs in one basket.

That ship might sail by your dock once or twice but you can’t be certain it will lower its anchor and wait especially if the captain doesn’t know you are interested in coming aboard.

“I judge things by whether the fire burns or not and how brightly. If it makes me feel something, if it makes me look up then I stop and consider.

Doesn’t mean I have to take action but I feel better knowing I spent a moment thinking about it and that is usually enough for me to be able to sleep at night.

That is the goal, to be able to close our eyes regardless of what happened and know we did our best. Might not always feel good, but it is enough for peace of mind…eventually if not immediate.”

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By Joshua Wilner

Hi, I am Josh Wilner and I am happy that you have decided to visit my corner of cyberspace. I am a writer/marketer/friend and family man. My professional background includes more than twenty years in working with businesses to help them do a better job of connecting with their existing and prospective customers. More specifically I have worked with companies of all sizes from the Fortune 500 to the new start up to help them build, develop and grow their social media and marketing plans. I love spending time with my family and friends. I enjoy music, reading, writing, playing sports and laughing.

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