The little man sends me a nasty note and asks who writes such ridiculous posts to which I respond, “Me. Every day I write something for you because I enjoy the free rent in your head.”
I go back one or two more times to share some other ridiculous comment and ask if he wants links to all of the places I write at.
“I could give you a list but I doubt you’d visit them. You are my 132nd biggest fan and even the top three don’t visit with any regularity.”
He offers one more insult questioning my lineage and I send him a screenshot of where he has visited and ask if his office knows how he spends his time.
I don’t bother going back to see what kind of reply I receive, if any.
The conversation is ridiculous and much of his argument follows this illogical thought process. “If 45 was in office XYZ wouldn’t be happening.”
It makes him feel powerful to make proclamations that can’t be proven false but then again they can’t be proven true.
In one of my juvenile remarks I remind him the aliens that were going to give us technology that would heal mankind didn’t provide it during 45’s term because they think he is a twice impeached dope.
Can’t prove that true or false either but we can confirm there isn’t much upside with these conversations which is why I walked away.
Don’t Let The Facts Ruin Your Day
That is a line I have used more than a few times with friends, family and business associates. Depending on who I am speaking with there may or may not be a little sarcasm in it.
One of the sad truths of the current moment in time is how many people refuse to let those pesky little details we call reality get in the way of their beliefs or their desire to control others.
The monster from Infowars has made a career out of pushing lies, distortion of reality and intellectually dishonest remarks.
It is with great pleasure and a certain amount of glee that I see his being punished for this. I am glad he was forced in court to admit he is a charlatan but sad because so much of the damage is done.
Got no reason to believe he is going to change much, if at all because his supporters don’t care about fact, reality or truth.
But one can hope nonetheless that things are taking a positive turn even if it is slow. Progress is progress even with those divorced from reality.
Waiting In The Silence
I was called out on a Zoom the other day for not smiling and for not engaging. In response I gave a wry smile and said I was waiting in the silence.
“Waiting for what?”
“Waiting to be contacted.”
That led to a two minute lecture on why waiting wasn’t helpful and that I needed to take action.
“I am taking action.
Silence is very loud and it serves a variety of purposes. Sometimes it motivates the other person(s) to take action. Sometimes their silence is your sign the time is not yet right for communication.
Use it with purpose and intent.”
They told me that sounded like a load of crap and I said if it made them feel good to think so I wouldn’t argue.
Got a short window before my baby heads off to college. A short window before she starts one hell of an adventure and a bunch of things to be done.
Some of those tasks can’t be taken on until she actually moves in and we get some eyeballs on some things.
I don’t think of it as being particularly difficult but I have moved more than I would have liked to and am accustomed to some of this.
It is going to be strange though to see her as the one moving away though it is very exciting. I have a certain amount of jealousy as my college years were fantastic.
Anyhoo, I have been trying to send her off with a few more drops of wisdom here and there.
Some have said I should relax because by now our kids are who they are. I think they miss the point because I am not trying to change her.
I am trying to give her a couple more resources to draw upon. A couple more thoughts that might help if the days are hard as well as easy.
That is the job, do our best to prepare them to fly and then pave a little bit more runway just because.
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