When trouble came knocking I am pretty sure she put her finger over the the peephole in the door. I am pretty sure she followed up by kissing me hard on the mouth but whether it was to assert dominance or animal magnetism I cannot say.
Pretty sure that trouble thinks she is the boss and that she adjusts the rules and history to suit her needs.
Or so came the conclusions of several hours of thought about where life was, where it is and where it is going.
Somewhere in the midst of my reverie I heard my parents remind me that trouble needs a willing partner and I shrugged my shoulders because I can’t paint myself as a complete innocent.
Though I can say there are multiple times I walked away or tried to and got wrapped up in things because stuff happened.
Sometimes you think you are going a particular way and then you get tapped on the shoulder by the universe and figure out that you may take a detour or different route than you expected to.
That has happened enough for me to be less surprised by when it happens, but still surprised anyway.
Heart Ache & Joy
Some people say you can’t truly appreciate one without the other and though there is truth in that you won’t find me looking for more of the former to better appreciate the latter.
At best you might see me take the road less taken so that I can explore certain things that are impossible to know otherwise.
That is part of what happened yesterday. I had made a particular decision to go a certain direction and then something happened and I turned my head.
I could have ignored it but experience has taught me to recognize to give the moment its due or else.
Won’t elaborate on what else refers to, it doesn’t matter to most of you and those who might be interested probably aren’t or at least pretend not to be.
So onward into the darkness we go because that is how this guy rolls. Better to try and find out what lies just beyond than to just settle.
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