The Doctor’s Appointment That Hasn’t Happened…Yet

“Have you made an appointment yet?”

“Nope. Got other stuff I have to take care of first.”

“You need to get that done.”

“Got a lot of things I need to get done and some people, places and things aren’t cooperating with me so I have turned my gaze upon them and give them my special version of T.L.C.”

“Some things get worse if you wait.”

“Allow me to quote the estimable Arthur Morgan when he was confronted with a threat of eternal damnation.
‘I hope Eternity is hot and terrible, otherwise I’ll feel I’ve been sold a false bill of goods,’ don’t ask me who he is because you won’t know him. I like the sentiment.”

The silence I asked for comes along with a look that suggests I have forgotten all of Dale Carnegie’s advice on how to win friends and influence people but I am ok with that.

I have my own plans and I’ll get to some things sooner than people expect but after I handle some other stuff.

Given a choice I’d hop on a plane to go wander the streets of Jerusalem or find a cave near A Kingdom By The Sea, especially now.

Hell, I’d make like a Druid and dance around Stonehenge instead of some of the stuff that is occupying me now. There is nothing horrible that I am aware of but there is a lot of stuff and the anticipation of the what ifs and what mights is getting on my nerves.

I suspect that this feeling now is what led 3-year-old Josh to be the terror who introduced himself and then punched other kids.

It is a funny story now, but I am sure it wasn’t particularly funny to my parents or to the other kids I clocked but I digress.

Do Your Best

Digging through the family history I have come across more information about aunts and cousins that caught my eye.

My maternal grandmother was about 5’6 and several of the family records suggest that wasn’t uncommon as one of her aunts was 5’7.

I have seen and heard several stories that support this and like a good big brother am tempted to share this information with my sisters, none of whom are that tall to say they could have been.

They weren’t helped by grandma or the aunts marrying men who were their height or shorter but love is blind and  in the depression none of them could afford high heels.

Ok, I can’t say the last part is true or false but it sounds reasonable so we’ll go with it. That is how some of this genealogical research goes, people use what they consider reasonable assumptions to build facts.

That bit about reasonable assumptions chaps my hide a bit because I think some people aren’t good about researching the facts and they get sloppy.

My Great-Grandmother Sadie Kramer wasn’t the only woman of her time with that name but I can assure you that some of the information out there is based upon a different Sadie because I know she wasn’t living where some people put her.

Good old Grandma Sadie who gave my mom her first red lipstick and used to go dancing with men because Grandpa Julius wasn’t as fond of dancing. I am guessing about the second part, no one has been able to answer that one for me…yet.

I never thought twice about whether getting a red lipstick is a big deal for women or not though I do know a few who won’t leave the house without it.

Though I know many things, that is one that I never paid any attention to though I have faint memories of my middle sister sneaking makeup to middle school.


Some of the crap that is weighing upon me a bit will be taken care of this week and I’ll get to stop wondering what will be.

It is not hard to hear my old man’s counsel on this one, “do your best, it is all you can do.”

That is true and I have had pretty good success at compartmentalizing and not worrying about it until this weekend.

But the time is finally almost here and the first part begins tomorrow morning. Did my best to prepare and soon I’ll find out what that preparation is worth.

It is not all me. This reminds me a bit of a group project from my school days. The work was rarely allocated fairly so someone often got to ride the coattails of others.

Suppose I’ll know soon if I share the good credit or take the bad alone which leads to another Dadism.

“You have to play the hand you are dealt.”

I once asked Grandpa Wilner about people who dealt from the bottom of the deck. He said if you land a good punch in the nose they’d shape up.

“What happens if you break their nose and they keep coming?”

Grandpa laughed and said that might be a good time to see if you were wearing track shoes cuz you might need to run. It was also why he said a roll of quarters was useful as it helped adjust their attitude, but again I digress.

Groucho Was Right

I quoted him to a couple of people not long ago. Neither was familiar with him nor did they get the full impact of his wisdom.

Perhaps it is my own fault.

Perhaps I didn’t have a good delivery but I made the effort so that is worth something. Sometimes you have to go through the motions and see if it works.

You can always go Culture Club on them and ask if they really want to hurt you or you can be very direct and let them know they are among the finest representatives of the Certified Professional Schmucks of America and you know they hold Doctorates of Assholery.

Sometimes letting them know you recognize their expertise in their field of study yields benefits and sometimes it generates other responses.

That is why Grandpa Wilner’s suggestion to keep a roll of quarters in your palm is especially useful. It helps provide a solid attitude adjustment or so I have heard.

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By Joshua Wilner

Hi, I am Josh Wilner and I am happy that you have decided to visit my corner of cyberspace. I am a writer/marketer/friend and family man. My professional background includes more than twenty years in working with businesses to help them do a better job of connecting with their existing and prospective customers. More specifically I have worked with companies of all sizes from the Fortune 500 to the new start up to help them build, develop and grow their social media and marketing plans. I love spending time with my family and friends. I enjoy music, reading, writing, playing sports and laughing.


  1. I’ll touch upon a couple of these.

    On the first, I’m doing the very same thing. I probably need to schedule a doctor’s appointment because I’ve been having some minor issues and I probably need to talk to him and have him give me a great bill of health or a warning that I need to change up a few things… and soon. But I haven’t done it; I think it’s stress related, and I don’t want to waste anyone’s time talking about my mental issues; that would irk the heck out of me.

    As for the Groucho quotes… I don’t quote him all that often, but I do throw out references to old shows and celebrities that even people around my age don’t know anymore. For instance, texting with someone today who’s maybe 2 years younger than me I ended my part of the text with “And what about Naomi”? As my ex used to say, crickets in 3-part harmony is what I got back. I’m not going to tell you what it means, in case you remember and wish to reference it… but I’m not holding out a lot of hope. lol

    1. TheJackB – Someone complained that this page doesn’t tell you what to expect to find here in this blog so I aim to rectify this with the next line. I am a father who writes about life, parenting, business, politics and fiction. I don’t use an editorial calendar because I don’t map out what I am going to write that far in advance. The primary focus will be on things that relate to children and parenting. But the nifty thing about that is that encompasses a wide range of things. Sometimes I work with companies on their PR/Marketing efforts. If they provide products or services I will disclose it. Here is an incomplete list of companies that I am currently or have recently worked with: Nintendo, Philips Norelco, Subway, Frigidaire and Mattel. Want to know more about me, keep reading. If I wanted to provide a professional description it would looks similar to this: Jack has a Bachelor of Arts degree in journalism from California State University Northridge. He has been writing for print and web publications for more than twenty years, covering a wide range of topics including: business, technology, parenting, politics, education, sports and religion. That is far too serious so I prefer to use something like: The Jack B. is a writer and author of 39 unpublished books and three screenplays. A former athlete and would be superhero he still fights for truth, justice and the American Way. Though he may look like a grown man, don’t fool yourself he is still a boy at heart. When he is not engaged in Walter Mitty like fantasies he is a husband, father and friend and blogs at TheJackB. Hmm…obviously I have since moved from Random Thoughts over to this place, but that is ok. This page is a work in progress which is a good description for me. I’ll probably tweak this on a regular basis so feel free to keep checking back in because you never know what might show up. I am a prolific writer and update frequently so don’t forget to scroll down the page to see what nugget of wisdom you just might have missed. Here is a short selection of posts to get you started. A Father Describes Parenting A Father’s Burden How Sister’s Helped to Train A Father of “Daddy’s Girl” Inside the Blogger’s Studio- A Dream, Er Nightmare The GermoPhobe What I Dream About I am In Love Becoming a Dad Dad’s Most Important Job A Decade of Dad Grandpa Donuts Why Your Post Sucks and Everyone Hates Your Blog A Letter To My Children- Things That Matter A Letter To My Children-2011 Dad Balances Fear Versus Reality Q&A With Daddy Blogger JackB Save The Last Dance For Me- 75 Years of Marriage An Uncertain Certainty Four Generations & A Wedding The Best Thing My Father Ever Said To Me 1 Foolproof Way To Become a Better Writer The Story Of A House- The Final Days He Died A Hero Twenty-Five Links That Will Make You A Better Writer/Blogger Thanks for coming by, I hope you like it. If you want to reach me use the contact form or try talk-to-jacknow-at-gmail-dotcom You can also find more information by clicking About Me and reading my profile there. Also, I encourage you to sign up for my newsletter using the form on the top right hand side of the page.
      Joshua Wilner says:

      Confession, What about Naomi was familiar but I initially couldn’t place it but as soon as I saw The Electric Company come up on Google I remembered.

      I sometimes still think of Morgan Freeman as Easy Reader, childhood memories last a long time.

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