What If Your Uncle Is A Monkey?

Was tooling along doing my own thing when I noticed someone had graced the vacation home with their presence and so I showed up and wrote a follow up post.

Wasn’t going to because sometimes it is fun to be the strong silent type but I was curious if they would come back the next day or later that evening.

You might wonder if it was the kind of thing that would make you melt or set you fire. You might aslo wonder if it would leave you scratching your head as you pondered how someone could develop something so profound you couldn’t stop thinking about it.

I didn’t stop to ask those questions because when the bridge between the spaces is wide open I hear, see and know things.

So it was just like being the Wichita Linemen and I could hear through the wire. Let’s pause for a moment to hear Homer do a special tribute to Jimmy Webb.

Ah, can’t you just hear Richard Harris now singing about that cake in the rain.

And now back to you’re regularly scheduled silly headlines about nice ensembles and the froah thermostat adjusting folks we encounter.

That Explains It

Wasn’t but a moment ago when I was asked to explain how a man could be so damn silly and I strove to come up with something extra ridiculous to share.


Because not everyone deserves the truth and sometimes instead of choosing silence I choose otherwise, but had I took an extra moment I would have shared the quote above.

It is one of my favorites and a guide for how I live my life. Once you stop believing in the ability to live your dreams you die.

And though you cannot believe in the viability of all dreams coming true it doesn’t preclude from believing in some or even in many.

I hope that never changes for me for life would be so damn dull if I no longer believed I could fly or find a jetpack tha would provide wings for when my own are no longer capable of carrying me.

Cue next song.

It is The Great Story Of Our Lives

When they asked me to provide the background and the foundation I shook my head no.

They asked again and I told them it is the great story of our lives and it is only partially written. As expected it inspired them to ask again if I could provide the background and foundation.


They knew me well enough to rephrase and ask if I would so before I could answer their second entreaty with “I could but I won’t” we both shifted gears.

I provided a wink and a smile and said “I would not.”

“Will you ever?”

“Perhaps, but it is not mine alone and I don’t kiss and tell.”

“Is it that kind of material?”

“Perhaps, depends on who you ask and how you interpret things.”

“That is not answer. There are no details.”

“There are details but I choose not to provide them today and maybe never. Some dreams must remain silent so that they can grow unencumbered by outside influences.”

Silence can be a great teacher and a brutal lord. It all depends upon your place and perspective now doesn’t it.

You could be the queen or you could be the princess and maybe in time you have been both.

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By Joshua Wilner

Hi, I am Josh Wilner and I am happy that you have decided to visit my corner of cyberspace. I am a writer/marketer/friend and family man. My professional background includes more than twenty years in working with businesses to help them do a better job of connecting with their existing and prospective customers. More specifically I have worked with companies of all sizes from the Fortune 500 to the new start up to help them build, develop and grow their social media and marketing plans. I love spending time with my family and friends. I enjoy music, reading, writing, playing sports and laughing.

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