Where Do You Belong?

The younger Mr. Wilner asked me if I have any thoughts about where I might retire and I laughed.

“Do you know there are people in LA who think I have been married and divorced twice and that is why I am living here?”

He shakes his head and I tell him I haven’t any idea why they think that and tell him people come up will all sorts of crazy ideas about who we are along with where and who we belong to/with.

One day you’ll need to figure out where you belong but that doesn’t have to be any time soon. You have a lot of runway ahead of you.

He started a new job not long ago and has been enjoying it.

“When you are not sure how to answer certain questions sometimes it is better to do and put some money in the bank than to do nothing and rely upon the resources of others.”

Where Do You Belong?

Been back from LA for almost a month and am starting to think about when I’ll go back again. Need to make the next trip a vacation so I have time to do more than race from place-to-place and see a few people.

Had a guy from one of the meetings tell me they were impressed with how well I navigated the city. I told him I had been there once or twice and he told me he was still getting used to it.

“Five years here and I still don’t know my way around other than my neighborhood.”

Made me snort because sometimes that is how I feel about DFW except it is not really accurate. I don’t feel like an expert on the streets, but I get around without the GPS and have for years.

Depending on where I am heading I might have to think twice about how to get some places, but on the whole not so much.

It is surreal to me to realize how much has sunk in, but when you have had to drive as much as I have it is natural to get a feel for where you are at.

Still I think about the conversation with my son and ask myself that question, “where do you belong?”

Not entirely sure how to answer it but not really certain that I need to right now. Kind of enjoy being the pirate who dropped anchor in a harbor for an indefinite amount of time.


Told my number one fan that if they take too much time off from reading they’ll never catch up because if I choose to start pumping hard they’ll get lost.

Might not matter, not all that glitters is gold here but then again what I consider important or fluff might not be viewed that way by all.

One day I might close the kingdom down, board up the doors and windows of the other properties and disappear. Can’t wait forever for some things and there is a certain attraction to setting sail to see what lies upon far shore of the horizon.

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By Joshua Wilner

Hi, I am Josh Wilner and I am happy that you have decided to visit my corner of cyberspace. I am a writer/marketer/friend and family man. My professional background includes more than twenty years in working with businesses to help them do a better job of connecting with their existing and prospective customers. More specifically I have worked with companies of all sizes from the Fortune 500 to the new start up to help them build, develop and grow their social media and marketing plans. I love spending time with my family and friends. I enjoy music, reading, writing, playing sports and laughing.

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