What Else Is There To Say?

And the post begins with The Alan Parsons Project setting the tone.

What is there left to say is a question that more than a few people have asked in reference to a million different events, some of which I have even been involved in.

Can guarantee a couple of you will be certain I am referring to particular situations and can guarantee you’re probably wrong, especially if we haven’t had a real discussion.

Given that I have just figured some of this out probably complicates it a bit but more for me than you, whomever that collective you is.

Took some time for me to push away the distractions long enough to do more to discern the true nature of it and I think I finally have it, or at least most of it.

It is a peculiar kind of thing, but it has been a peculiar time for more than a minute which reminds me of advice given and received.

We’ll sum that up as don’t paint yourself into a corner by saying or doing something stupid and don’t be afraid to act.

Bring It Back

The weather in Dallas was beautiful today, not quite as warm as I prefer but nothing close to cold. That is the low 70s for those who have inquiring minds but that is going to fade fast.

Won’t be long before a chill arrives, 27 by tomorrow afternoon along with rain and potentially ice/sleet.

Weatherman says we’ll definitely see snow on Thursday which will probably give this native Californian and the rest of the household a few minutes of excitement because it is still novel to see it fall where we live.

Spent most of my life knowing if I wanted to see it I could drive to the mountains or visit family in the midwest or east.

But it is a work week in a place that isn’t built to handle cold weather and so that will likely mess up our roads and make travel precarious.

That is a short term problem but irritating because it is one of those things that could be planned for and properly managed but I have limited faith in the failing governor to have taken steps to protect us.

We remember the grid failing last year and the major negative impact that had on many. Took some steps to try to be prepared for it and feel pretty good about riding out a couple of days if need be.

Hell, as long as the house doesn’t suffer major damage (there is no reason to believe it will) there are no big concerns. My expectation is at worst it will have some irritations again because of power issues but that may not happen.

We’ll hope that the prep work I did and the angels of Avalon will work on our behalf and if not, I can still handle the Ring Wraiths one more time.

Remember, my grandfather told me that when the angel of death came he would punch him in the throat. He was 91 and I still a few months short of 53.

Hell, after the Northridge earthquake totaled his apartment grandpa told me that if was still 60 it would be an adventure. At 80 it was a pain-in-the-ass, but so it goes.


Some say the moon we just had was a dark moon. The astronomers have an explanation and the astrologists have another.

I won’t share either with you today because I just received news that requires immediate attention. What I will say is that whether there is scientific or ethereal proof of the impact of that moon matters not.

I heard a click and felt a change. Blame it on science, blame on woo or whatever, matters not.

Things are about to get interesting, hopefully in a good way.

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By Joshua Wilner

Hi, I am Josh Wilner and I am happy that you have decided to visit my corner of cyberspace. I am a writer/marketer/friend and family man. My professional background includes more than twenty years in working with businesses to help them do a better job of connecting with their existing and prospective customers. More specifically I have worked with companies of all sizes from the Fortune 500 to the new start up to help them build, develop and grow their social media and marketing plans. I love spending time with my family and friends. I enjoy music, reading, writing, playing sports and laughing.

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