109 Ways To Announce Your Divorce & Five Not To

I once wreaked havoc by telling several guys that I had slept with their wives and I don’t regret a moment of it.

Must be close to thirty years ago at a bar in Brentwood or maybe it was Santa Monica when a couple of guys started up with me for reasons that could be blamed upon alcohol or their being schmucks.

Can’t remember all of the details nor say that I hadn’t had a couple of drinks either because I probably had.

I didn’t want to be there and I didn’t have much affection for the people I was stuck with. So when the guys asked me what I was doing there and why I told them it was a charity event and something about having slept with their wives.’

Definitely wasn’t a charity event but I wasn’t lying about having slept with their wives because I had more than once. Except I didn’t bother to mention we had gone to camp together and I was referring to overnights with a 100 other people.

Young men, alcohol and women don’t always mesh together as well as we might hope and sometimes we get ornery.

There is no big finish here. No crazy tale about all out bar fights or anything crazy, though one of the other guys definitely wanted a piece of me and I was amenable.

I think a very large bouncer spared all of us from moments of stupidity but again, I don’t remember all of the details.

Just another dumb moment in time really.

Time To Check In

Haven’t heard from someone who has been having a hard time so I suppose I ought to check in and make sure they are ok.

I don’t have any reason to believe they aren’t handling things but that doesn’t mean  there isn’t a reason to push past the shmatas and confirm.

Meant to do it the other night and woke up with the phone on the floor and my pajamas next to me.

Almost sent the note then except it was around 4 AM and I didn’t want to disturb their sleep.

Moment remind me again about how time can get away from us. Hell, I can’t tell you how it got to be Wednesday night. Sure I can give you the obvious answer but damn if I didn’t blink and find myself staring at a digital clock that reads 11:03 P.M.

Hell, go back a chunk of hours and I tore into someone about missing deadlines and getting things done.

I pounded them on how effective I am at getting shit done when it has to be taken care of and how I can make space to make that happen.

Yet somehow I blew this time and lost a big chunk. I was really freaking productive and yet here I am acknowledging I dropped the ball.

No excuse being made, I lost time and it didn’t happen

Have to rectify that.

A Little Covid For You & You

Keep hearing more stories about people I know catching Covid which sometimes makes me wonder how I have managed to avoid it.

Still not convinced I wasn’t one of those who caught it before we all knew what it was. There is no question that it ran through the convention I was at in February of 2020.

There were six thousand people there from all over the world and I knew more than a few who got really sick during or after.

I had a touch of something but it was never as bad as the others. Doesn’t mean it was Covid, could easily have been a slight cold.

But maybe not.

Don’t know and probably never will.


Stumbled across some fragments of fiction I wrote and am playing around with whether I’ll do anything with it.

We broke the rules, stole fire from the gods and were punished for it. Or at least I was punished.

I have written them a hundred million letters and not sent a single one

There is more, but I don’t have time to pull them all and place them here. Got a couple of ideas for how to make it work and for the moment they’ll stay inside my head.

Hopefully I won’t forget, but if I do I’ll come up with an angle. I always do.

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By Joshua Wilner

Hi, I am Josh Wilner and I am happy that you have decided to visit my corner of cyberspace. I am a writer/marketer/friend and family man. My professional background includes more than twenty years in working with businesses to help them do a better job of connecting with their existing and prospective customers. More specifically I have worked with companies of all sizes from the Fortune 500 to the new start up to help them build, develop and grow their social media and marketing plans. I love spending time with my family and friends. I enjoy music, reading, writing, playing sports and laughing.

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