What I’d Say To You

Watched your video, contributed to the fund but haven’t said much of anything and not because I have been ignored.

Nah, it is for other reasons and if the pundits asked me to spell it out I’d say it is all lined up and you can go read or not read it all as you like.

Facts are simple, whatever this thing is started a lifetime ago and it is not done.

My old man would say you have to play the hand you are dealt and I’d nod my head and say I am still playing it.

Didn’t expect to be or want to play it as I have but damn if I haven’t played the hell out of it.

Is it because of fate, karma, coincidence or dumb luck?

Fuck if I know and that covers whether I have played it well or not, though I think I have.

Danced in the fire, took the beating and never stopped moving forward.

So here comes the future and intersecting with a present that is just a little bit crazy.

Don’t know what to do with it. Can’t ignore it because if I try something will force my hand and I’ll have to deal with on terms not of my choosing.

Bleeding From Too Many Places

Been bleeding from too many places and fighting too many battles. Felt a strange twist inside and told the body I’d use a frayed lamp cord to shock me out of A-fib to a normal rhythm.

Body gave me the middle finger so I gave it back and we wrestled for a bit.

Listened to a story from an educated person and had to fight to maintain a poker face and not ask them if they had been thrown down the stairs prior to walking in.

Sometimes you can smell the crazy on a person but I couldn’t smell it. Couldn’t sense it anywhere and that was more disconcerting.

I don’t have to understand crazy. Crazy doesn’t require an explanation for believing that 83,168 + 84 equals -3983.

You don’t have to ask crazy to explain how they solved for X and got Q because even if they show their work it won’t make sense.

They might try to walk you through it, but you know damn well that it doesn’t work so you don’t bother.

Sane, logical and educated people ought not to be able to come to some conclusions but when they do you know something isn’t correct.

When they try to walk you through it you know they have forced the square peg into the circle and recognize they are trying to fool you into believing that it works.

It doesn’t.

The square peg may be forced into the circular hole but there are gaps all over and they can’t be ignored or just explained away.

Not by anyone who doesn’t want to be viewed as a fool or cult member.

I like being able to write.

I like telling stories.

I like fiction because I don’t have to worry about sticking with reality. Truth may be stranger than fiction sometimes but it doesn’t change the basic premise.

Fiction can go anywhere because it has no limits.

Truth doesn’t play in that ballpark.

Light You Up

A fellow said he was going to light me up and that I would be sorry to have asked some questions.

“I am not sorry and I won’t be. Truth is the ultimate defense. You can’t embarrass me and that is what you were hoping to do.

You can’t leverage me because I have been transparent. Got a ton of emails documenting it all.

But if it makes you feel good I encourage you to take a swing.”

It would be a lie to say I have worn every fight, argument or disagreement I have had.

It would also be a lie to say I haven’t done very well in some arenas. It is not because I am so much smarter but because I have been very disciplined and more effective communicating ideas.

People forget that stories have a beginning, middle and end. There is a feature, function and benefit that you need to be able to outline in ways people understand.

I use cars. They have two doors or four doors. We all want safe, reliable and economical.

After that it is a question of features.

People pay for what they see value in.

If you don’t know what that is or how to get it you have to ask.

Sometimes that is all it takes–ask.

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By Joshua Wilner

Hi, I am Josh Wilner and I am happy that you have decided to visit my corner of cyberspace. I am a writer/marketer/friend and family man. My professional background includes more than twenty years in working with businesses to help them do a better job of connecting with their existing and prospective customers. More specifically I have worked with companies of all sizes from the Fortune 500 to the new start up to help them build, develop and grow their social media and marketing plans. I love spending time with my family and friends. I enjoy music, reading, writing, playing sports and laughing.

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