You Taste Good

One of those who likes to think they are the boss gave me a list of things to do and to work on and I of course agreed.

Wasn’t blowing them off, I intend to follow through even if it will have to be adjusted so that it is done on my terms.

Because that is how some big changes have to be managed and worked through.

Got word from a few places that moving to more of a Mediterranean diet ought to pay big dividends and mostly smiled cuz I think I can do that.

But what really made me smile was the news that I ought to drink at least three cups of coffee.

Grabbed my mug, smiled and praised it, “you taste good.”

Shouldn’t be hard to get in the habit of drinking it black, done that on and off for years.

Some changes are harder than others and are made worse because I was told ‘no.’

That is a personal challenge…every time.

You tell me no about something and I am motivated to do it. Not the best trait but not necessarily a bad one either.

All depends on how you harness it.

Jim Croce Motivation

Was listening to a Jim Croce song and wondered if it was a message I ought to consider following.

Wondered if maybe I’d write another one of those naked, brutally honest pieces and let the chips fall where they may.

Done that a few times and things have worked out as they have. Had a conversation with one of the guys recently and told him to remember he is enough.

Not always easy to internalize but if you can’t buy into that life can be pretty fucking rough.

Thought about it a few times as I looked at the anniversary of the date and considered what it took to get to this moment in time.

Won’t go into full details here but part of the reason I need to drink those three cups of coffee is tied up in what led took place just before and what transpired after.

Not easy to accept even when you know chances are it didn’t matter what you did because some things would happen regardless.


Still love movies and look forward to a time when it will be ok to go watch in the theater again.

It will happen eventually but we’re not there yet.

Someone said I am high risk and that I ought to be concerned but if you ask me I am not worried about dying from Covid or even being a long hauler.

Going out like that would be too easy and that is not what I get. My karma won’t let me get too easy in anything.

Everything is work and I am ok with it, it is just how it is.

Not reckless in my approach to life nor being insouciant but am being honest. If I am wrong it will be a big surprise to me.

Doing what I can to take advantage of resources and tools to keep from catching it.

Masks and vaccines and an effort not to spend time in bad situations. That will have to be enough.

Final Thoughts

There is a treadmill calling my name and other blogs asking for updates. There are files to review and strategic plans to create and or adjust.

Got some ideas about opportunities that need to be resourced and reviewed and some other stuff.

The next few weeks will be done or undone by a combination of planning and force-of-will.

Leaning in on a couple of things and have already been accused of being relentless but haven’t begun to really show that side of me.

Don’t really want to but not sure I can make some things happen without putting my head down and my back into it.

Sometimes logic and reason don’t motivate change and there are no other avenues that don’t involve physical labor.

So here we go, blue collar effort for white collar success or so we hope.

Is it too late to have another cup of coffee.

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By Joshua Wilner

Hi, I am Josh Wilner and I am happy that you have decided to visit my corner of cyberspace. I am a writer/marketer/friend and family man. My professional background includes more than twenty years in working with businesses to help them do a better job of connecting with their existing and prospective customers. More specifically I have worked with companies of all sizes from the Fortune 500 to the new start up to help them build, develop and grow their social media and marketing plans. I love spending time with my family and friends. I enjoy music, reading, writing, playing sports and laughing.

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