Give Yourself The Heimlich

Those of you who missed Writing The Write Way missed all sorts of good stuff but that doesn’t include the stories about choking in an empty house and having to give yourself the Heimlich.

Nor does it include tales of teaching CPR to 50 Korean dentists and talking about using a hot frying pan as a way to beat yourself upon the back to free a blockage.

That was quite the moment and to this day I can’t tell you how many of the docs in there got it because there was a mix of people who spoke English.

My Korean is pretty limited, but I do know a curse word or two. That goes back to college when we used to hold International cursing hour and rattled off curse words in about 25 different languages.

When you are 21 and cramming for finals such things take on life and meaning that they might not otherwise get.

Many years later I can still rattle off quite a few words and expressions in a variety of languages. Doesn’t have a ton of utility but it has its moments, especially behind the wheel.

A Full House

All the troops came home today and the house is in a state of disarray and disruption.

Such is the way of things when reentry comes about. Not surprising nor unexpected but I notice my patience for some things isn’t what it once was.


Transition is coming and maybe sooner than later.

If nothing else is certain there is this, those who cause unnecessary irritation or who don’t live up to certain standards will hear about it.

I have had it with some things and some bad behaviors and see no need for tolerance of such things.

If that is unacceptable to some they might consider their options because I probably already have.

That tick-tocking grows ever louder and the sound of the sea beckons and in between I hear various songs singing.

The Crazy Neighbor

Got a crazy neighbor posting nonsense and conspiracy theory crap about the pandemic on Nextdoor.

I want to say not my circus, not my monkeys but fools like her are part of the reason why we haven’t gotten this pandemic under the sort of control we ought to have.

So I left a very civil response that illustrated the multiple mistakes, illogical and factual inaccuracies in her comment.

Not because I expect her to change her mind but because I am trying to reach others, the lurkers and others who might be swayed by her.

Don’t mistake this for me saying I am a highly educated super genius ‘cuz I am not.

Not going to give you my CV here or try to convince you of anything because if you read this on a regular basis you probably have a good sense of who I am.

And if you don’t it probably won’t matter because anyone can say anything and you’ll want to stick around long enough to determine if I haven’t melted most of my brain cells.

Anyhoo, crazy neighbor comes flying at and I give a figurative bow, say I am your huckleberry and ask if she really wants to dance.

Those who know me a little bit won’t be surprised to hear I did some minimal research and discovered crazy neighbor used to pass bad checks.

Part of me wanted to go for the throat and tell crazy neighbor there is no reason to trust someone who has no medical/scientific background but passes themself off as an expert because they have googled a few things.

Especially when they have a history of trying to con people with bad checks.

I didn’t do it because it felt like that might take this to a whole new level that it didn’t need to go to.

There were others engaged in the discussion, enough to give me some hope this selfish mutton head wasn’t going to be allowed to push this drivel out without others questioning it.

But damn if it doesn’t irritate the crap out of me to see kooks like this crying about their civil rights when their selfish actions have a negative impact upon the rest of us.

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By Joshua Wilner

Hi, I am Josh Wilner and I am happy that you have decided to visit my corner of cyberspace. I am a writer/marketer/friend and family man. My professional background includes more than twenty years in working with businesses to help them do a better job of connecting with their existing and prospective customers. More specifically I have worked with companies of all sizes from the Fortune 500 to the new start up to help them build, develop and grow their social media and marketing plans. I love spending time with my family and friends. I enjoy music, reading, writing, playing sports and laughing.

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