Call It A Carnundrum

Scheduled my first physical in three years for three weeks from now but am tempted to cancel it because I don’t want to hear what the doc is going to say.

If I push it back a few months and keep up what I am doing the news might be different and it might be better, but then again it might not be.

Ask me to offer you advice on this and I’d say go do it because the sooner you know what is going on the sooner you can start working on whatever it is you might need to do work on.

Besides, it could be better than you fear or worse. Better to know and be educated.

But I am not you so I don’t need to listen to the advice I would give you and not just because I am in a situation.

Call it a carnundrum, I need two cars.

If I Owned That Car

If I owned the car in the photo I wouldn’t be in a carnundrum caused by cash. I’d have enough because I wouldn’t own that car unless I had enough money to be willing to park it and not worry if something might happen to it.

It is a funny thing this carnundrum because for the first time in a long while the idea of purchasing one car is comfortable. If that is all I needed it would be a matter of identifying what I wanted and going to get it.

Wouldn’t go hog wild, wouldn’t go crazy at all because I would research, drive, negotiate and buy.




It is the challenge of needing two cars at once that creates an issue. Going from one payment to two.

Got lots of options and lots of choices but it feels like more limitations and that is…annoying.

Feels a bit like going to a restaurant that has 10,000 items on the menu and I am not sure what I want to eat but I know if I pick the wrong thing I’ll be irritated.

Except the wrong choice will stick around for a while and that is more irritating than a meal that isn’t satisfying or enjoyable.

So I am wrestling a bit with some of this and given I am not the only party involved wrestling with others but it is not the kind of wrestling I prefer.

Pushing Hard Elsewhere

Life continues to provide reasons to remember to push hard elsewhere because our time is shorter than we think.

The plan is to be around for decades to come and to ideally be healthy for all of that, but there are no guarantees.

Might only get a couple of decades, might only get one or be lucky and be good for however many more years I have got.

So in some areas I am pushing for opportunity and experience while I know there ought to still be a good chunk of time.

Get answers to questions that cannot be answered in any other way and then make semi educated determinations for how to move forward.

Smart, practical and likely to lead to feelings of satisfaction that no matter the outcome I lived and that is of paramount importance.

Hopefully that physical won’t do anything but confirm the timeline is solid. Guess we will find out soon. 🙂

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By Joshua Wilner

Hi, I am Josh Wilner and I am happy that you have decided to visit my corner of cyberspace. I am a writer/marketer/friend and family man. My professional background includes more than twenty years in working with businesses to help them do a better job of connecting with their existing and prospective customers. More specifically I have worked with companies of all sizes from the Fortune 500 to the new start up to help them build, develop and grow their social media and marketing plans. I love spending time with my family and friends. I enjoy music, reading, writing, playing sports and laughing.

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