Enjoy Eating Your Favorite Meat

Boy oh boy, there is a discussion to be had surrounding eating your favorite meat. Really, I see that you are busy but I encourage you to put what you’re holding down and engage in something more interesting.

You could start with this and then play some 70s music from my youth.

Hell you could do a lot and pretend you’re Dancin June the girl with the cool shmata or something like that.

It is possible I might be losing it a little bit. Woke up at 5 so I would be ready to get my prick on at the vaccination center at 8:30.

Dude looked at my arm and said relax and I smiled and watched that needle plunge all the way in so that I would be certain I was stuck because last time I wasn’t.

Fast forward to 9:48 PM and my arm has just started to hurt and I feel a little tired but am forcing the fatigue away because someone has chosen to poke the bull and by gum, I am going to give them the kind of attention they have asked for.

That Knife In My Side

Rewind 12 hours and imagine the look on my face when I received an email in which someone unintentionally outed themselves as being the person who stuck a knife in my side.

Tomorrow they’ll ask why I haven’t responded and I’ll have to decide if I wish to share a different email I saved or play a different card.

I have told the kids more than once to be cautious about what you put in an email because some of us create files and hold onto things.

Not because we are trying to get someone but because sometimes we need written records of a verbal agreement that we can refer back upon later on.

Understandings that illustrate responsibilities and obligations and highlight who just tried to screw you…twice and in not in the way that would make you smile.

I am more irritated by the stupidity of this person than their selfish, narcissistic attempt to use my work to get ahead.

It is one thing to be a virtual plagiarist and slacker, it is another to try to set me up. Two things jump out at me with this:

  1. They think I am stupid and naive.
  2. They think they have protection.

There are many ways to apply pressure and to help encourage people to take a different path that don’t require confrontation. Some are as simple as appealing to their ego and helping them take on massive projects.

The long game isn’t something many will engage in because it requires work and we have turned into an instant gratification society. But I highly encourage it as it provides enormous rewards and falls into the category of measure twice and cut once.

Do it right the first time.

Two Books

Been thinking quite a bit about two of the Gladwell books, Blink and Outliers and some ideas they gave me.

Been thinking about some questions I have about future opportunities and events as they relate to the book and my life.

Been thinking my head is starting to swell and pound or at least pound. Might need to take some Ibuprofen or drink another bottle of vodka.

But first share I can feel something moving so strongly I can almost touch it. Feels like I can see it out of the corner of my eye and every time I turn my head it darts off outside of my vision.

We’re at the proverbial so close, yet so far stage and that makes me a little crazy.

Might have to try dragging my butt back onto the treadmill. Didn’t put in as much time or enough mileage to feel comfortable and it bothers me.

But I feel like I am standing in molasses so maybe I ought to wait and see how I feel tomorrow.

Maybe I ought to write some more. Decisions, decisions.

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By Joshua Wilner

Hi, I am Josh Wilner and I am happy that you have decided to visit my corner of cyberspace. I am a writer/marketer/friend and family man. My professional background includes more than twenty years in working with businesses to help them do a better job of connecting with their existing and prospective customers. More specifically I have worked with companies of all sizes from the Fortune 500 to the new start up to help them build, develop and grow their social media and marketing plans. I love spending time with my family and friends. I enjoy music, reading, writing, playing sports and laughing.

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