When We Come Out The Other Side

Click here if you missed out on reading The Sandwich Maker and want to see the secret messages but don’t expect to get a chance to taste the secret sauce because I don’t feed just anyone.

Nor do I put up with as much nonsense as some others think because decades of friendship can be destroyed by wack jobs and wing nut theories. The inner crew has to fight to be cut off but it is not impossible.

If you support people and movements that willfully and intentionally do damage to to people I care about there is a good chance I will not let it rest at let’s just ignore politics.

I also reserve the right to change my mind and or make decisions that aren’t solely based upon logic or rational thought as that is part of being a human.

Recent events both pandemic and political have me wondering what life will look like when we come out the other side.

Not if, but when because we will but the world will be different and we won’t know what that means until we get there.

You Sound Like Him

Got a comment a while back that suggested I sound like Nicholas Sparks. I haven’t read any of his books though I think I saw a movie based upon one of them so most of my familiarity with him is based upon some quotes I looked at.

Not sure I agree or disagree with the assessment of this reader but decided there are worse conclusions but would still prefer that people say other writers sound like me and not the reverse.

Suppose in order to make that happen I have to actually push out that book that is inside my head or maybe the 17.

Had this funny feeling earlier today in which I had trouble remembering things I did with Dad. It was a big blur and for a moment I wondered if I had managed to clip, snip or fry part of my melon.

Wondered how 49 years of memories could be jumbled up and missed but never worried about early onset of dementia or that disease they call Alzheimers.

Everything else was firing full blast and my mind was racing through other things with speed and precision which is my way of saying I felt very sharp in everything else but that one area.

So I went to my cellphone to listen to an older voicemail with his voice and had a moment of panic wondering if I had lost that clip.


Because my phone had been on the way out so I upgraded to an iPhone 12 and it gave me some heartburn when I transferred the data from the old phone to the new one.

Enough that I called Verizon tech support and told them I am not a Luddite nor tech novice and then learned how I had screwed things up.

But I managed to get it fixed within a ten minute time frame so all was mostly forgiven.

And if Dad were here I would have called to yell at him because I spent more than three hours trying to fix it. That is his fault, that crazy obsession with solving a problem even if you stay up until 2 AM and reset your alarm so that you sleep in until 8.

Woke up frustrated, but ended up being exceptionally productive and as mentioned tech support helped me develop a quick solution and it ended well or so it appears.

Haven’t really used the new phone enough to decided if the photos are truly better and if the chip is truly faster. But for about an $11 per month increase I have a phone that works and that is big.

Big for no other reason than if my car were to break down I can’t be certain I could find a payphone to call a tow truck. Big because I carry 84 books on it, 10,000 songs and access to infinite amounts of information.

And that makes me happy.

When someone asks me about impeachment I can look up what is contained on the Senate.gov page or argue with someone else by cutting and pasting the spot in the Constitution that proves they are wrong.

Or if I just want to watch some craftsman working on cars, woodworking, glassblowing or practically anything else I can find it on YouTube.

How Do You Attempt The Absurd?

The short answer is by trying and the slightly longer answer is by spending a little time reading and then by doing.

That is why I love the damn Internet. It is a real Pandora’s Box, but damn it is also something very beautiful too.

You can never be too educated.

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By Joshua Wilner

Hi, I am Josh Wilner and I am happy that you have decided to visit my corner of cyberspace. I am a writer/marketer/friend and family man. My professional background includes more than twenty years in working with businesses to help them do a better job of connecting with their existing and prospective customers. More specifically I have worked with companies of all sizes from the Fortune 500 to the new start up to help them build, develop and grow their social media and marketing plans. I love spending time with my family and friends. I enjoy music, reading, writing, playing sports and laughing.

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