Grab A Cougar By The Tale

If you grab a cougar by the tale and write about the love of their life and how you know things you better be prepared for possibilities and opportunities.

Those could be the good kind of possibilities and opportunities or they could be the kind that come in a heavy black purse aimed at your head or so I have been told.

Given the feedback I have collected and gathered by snail and electronic mail means I am the smartest, wisest and dumbest person to voice my opinion anywhere in these here United States of America, especially to those who say I come from Communist California.

Anyhoo, I won’t tell you those tales here or how I made them turn tail and run.

Neither will I talk about the cougar’s tail and what happened there because this is a family blog and I save that material for elsewhere.

Things I Think About

That quote above is one I have used multiple times during the past few weeks as are the following two:

“I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious.”― Albert Einstein


“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.”― George Bernard Shaw, Man and Superman

Three of those occasions were in business settings and a couple in personal matters. There was a purpose each time that was well served by the commentary.

I suppose it is worth noting my position on Shaw is somewhere between reasonable and unreasonable because there are moments where you have to adopt a more moderate position in order to facilitate the change you wish.

I’d add the importance of developing your own understanding of what these quotes mean on a personal level so that if someone asked you about them you could articulate why they are important to you.

Treadmill Time

The plan was to finish one last post and then hit the treadmill for the third time today but not unlike many plans it has to be modified.

There is a 16-year-old girl who told me she wants to run and that she needs time to shower afterwards because it will take her hair time to dry.

I didn’t ask her why 11:15 seems like a good time to run because she is her father’s daughter and will not think twice about being awake in the later hours.

Won’t lie and say I didn’t mutter a few colorful words because I was this close to being ready and her sudden arrival derailed my train of thought.

Had about another 500 words I could have pumped out in short order that was tied into the quotes and theme from above but those thoughts flew away along with my plans to jump on the walk in place while getting in shape machine.

Sometimes you get flim-flammed and you just roll with it or growl at the people/pets/events that caused it. Sometimes you do both because you like growling.

Anyhoo since it is unlikely I will be in bed and or asleep any time soon I suppose I can wait for the treadmill.

The better question isn’t tied to my sleep habits but how I choose to spend the next chunk of time. Do I try to recreate what I had intended to or write a different story.

Or do I walk away from the ‘puter and spend time reading a book or listening to a book on tape. If you want to become a better writer you have to focus on all of those as well as writing.


I got glasses two years ago as in the kind you wear to improve your eyesight.

Doc says to wear them at night but only if I feel like I my vision is off. Doc says my eyes are dry and that is a common side effect of Lasik and aging.

My son was 3 months when I had Lasik done and just turned 20 so if you do the math you’ll know it has been a few years since I had the surgery.

Most of the time I don’t notice any particular issues with my eyesight, but recognize it is not as crisp in the dark as it once was.

I can still read street signs, numbers and license plates so I don’t worry about driving without them but I wear them anyway because it is a hair crisper than without.

Doc also says I have cataracts in both eyes but not to worry because they aren’t ripe enough to cause issues.

Got these glasses at a store that uses red in its logo and sells all sorts of items ranging from clothes, to electronics to groceries.

I hate the quality of the lenses. They get scratched way too easily and attract dirt like a puddle of mud.

I purchased the insurance for them because I worried that I would somehow manage to break them and figured it was $25 to replace them.

Seemed reasonable for progressive lenses, except it doesn’t feel that way anymore.

I don’t like reading with them so I take them off. Don’t wear them when I am using the computer, or exercising and don’t always wear them for driving.

Paid about $250 after my insurance kicked in for the whole shebang, glasses that I don’t wear half as often as I thought I might because they don’t work the way I want them to.

Thinking about going to the store to pay the $25 to get a replacement so I can not wear clean, unscratched lenses half the time instead of staring through a kaleidoscope.

Could and should share more but the treadmill has suddenly become female free so I am going to go jump on it and pretend that I am running so fast it is late 2021 and the country has been vaccinated, the dolt is in exile in Russia and life is almost normal again.

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By Joshua Wilner

Hi, I am Josh Wilner and I am happy that you have decided to visit my corner of cyberspace. I am a writer/marketer/friend and family man. My professional background includes more than twenty years in working with businesses to help them do a better job of connecting with their existing and prospective customers. More specifically I have worked with companies of all sizes from the Fortune 500 to the new start up to help them build, develop and grow their social media and marketing plans. I love spending time with my family and friends. I enjoy music, reading, writing, playing sports and laughing.

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