I Wrote You A Damn Letter

Some dude who may have had a few or many drinks wrote a post and then started writing another called, ‘I Wrote You A Damn Letter.’

It was the sequel to ‘Give Me Your Damn Hand’ which was the sequel to ‘Give Me Your Damn Lips’ which might have been the edited version of something longer and more graphic.

None were attached to the ‘I remember how flexible you are/were’ but Hollywood never worries about such things because when you find a formula you run with it until you can’t run any damn longer.

Of course stretching prior to such things could help, but might not make much of a difference if you are a lover of Gumby or as flexible thereof, but I digress.

Did I mention this post involves lots of liquids, including water because the morning might be ugly, but given that Wonder Woman doesn’t air until 11 AM CST it shouldn’t be an issue…we hope.

We Got This

If you can’t follow the song above in its native tongue feel free to click here and you can watch the video with subtitles.

What it tells me is that I don’t use my Hebrew nearly as much as I used to because I have to really focus and the subtitles show I am missing things.

Guess it is time to watch some more shows on Netflix three or four times again so that I can build back up. Back home we had about 50,000 Israelis running around LA so I always had someone to practice with and stay sharp.

Did I mention I once worked for an Israeli company in LA and that they used to tease me about my accent and I would tease them back about their accents?

Accents are a funny thing. I don’t think of myself as having one but it is clear from comments that people make that I must sound like I do.

More than a couple of people have said I sound like I have a bit of a drawl, including my oldest, but he says it only comes out if I am speaking with native Texans.

Kind of funny because we tease my middle sister about her “East Coast” accent which is slight, but disappears when she is around us or in LA so I suppose it is natural.

Though I suppose I could add that a few people have said I sound like a Chicagoan or New Yorker. That makes me laugh for all sorts of reasons, Dad would have said that when he was a kid in Chicago it wasn’t a compliment to sound like a New Yorker.

Have to ask Mom if she has the same memory…

Anyhoo, I am tempted to write about the importance of speaking more than one language and how it expands your mind and influences your thinking in ways you don’t necessarily think about, but I am not sure I have the focus for that now.

Got this twitch in my calf that suggests I better grab a banana or something that has potassium or calcium before I get a cramp in it.

Used to happen during my swim team workouts, that was always fun, middle of the pool and bam. But the pool is better than it happening while walking up/down the stairs.

That is when I figured out my grip is still good and was grateful the bannister was strong enough to support me. I don’t worry about falling down the stairs and dying, I worry about breaking my neck and or doing something that might not cripple me but will have a long lasting impact on me.

To be clear, I don’t actively worry about any of these things, but since you asked I answered. When I go skydiving I won’t worry about dying because the chute doesn’t open, I’ll worry about the same issues as above.

I may not be bulletproof anymore, but in many ways I am close except things that used to hurt for a day or two linger and who the hell wants that.


Off to write elsewhere and look into other areas and things, may be back later, may not be.

It is a hell of a night, have fun y’all and enjoy the music.

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By Joshua Wilner

Hi, I am Josh Wilner and I am happy that you have decided to visit my corner of cyberspace. I am a writer/marketer/friend and family man. My professional background includes more than twenty years in working with businesses to help them do a better job of connecting with their existing and prospective customers. More specifically I have worked with companies of all sizes from the Fortune 500 to the new start up to help them build, develop and grow their social media and marketing plans. I love spending time with my family and friends. I enjoy music, reading, writing, playing sports and laughing.

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