My Biggest Fan- The Picky Eater

Sometimes I like pressing the buttons of my biggest fan, the picky eater by listing the short list of items I don’t particularly like to eat.

It is funny to me because we both know the list of things I enjoy is vast and that a handful of things I don’t find tasty isn’t a reason why we can’t break bread together.

But some people feel better devising lists filled with clever fictions they compose to fit a current reality than to look at possibility and opportunity.

It is ok with me, because anthropologists call it part of a mating ritual and that is science and we live in a world where it is important not to dispute science because there are too many covidiots.

If we she were willing I might offer her a tasty delight or I might not because sometimes it is just fun to say no.

Anyhoo, I have been thinking about it all in reference to my Great-Grandfather on one side and my Great-Great-Grandfather on the other who were born in 1868 and 1851 respectively, I think.

Time & Place

I have done the research to confirm time and place so saying I think is the lazy way out because I could point-and-click my way to confirmation but that accuracy isn’t necessary for this post.

That is because I am confident these men who preceded me never could have imagined a time like now where I would use technology to write about them.

They never could have imagined I would have the luxury of choice that I have today or at least I don’t believe they would have.

Both died in the 30’s so it is possible they saw and experienced enough to feel differently but I still suspect it to be unlikely.

Because the Chicago they knew wasn’t one of wealth and they certainly didn’t have access to as many choices as we do today.

And if family lore is correct they wouldn’t have had the cash to spend much time focusing on expanding their palates. They would have eaten what they could afford to put on their plates.

While I have been in financial circumstances that mirrored that I am fortunate to say that it was just a portion of my life.

Certainly significant portions of my life provided other choices and opportunity to focus on eating a variety of things, especially coming from the diversity that is Los Angeles.

Take My Fucking Hand Or Don’t

I remember saying those very words and a few that followed. I remember saying that sometimes we need to adapt, pivot and accept we will figure shit out as we go because we cannot plan for everything.

Hell, 9/11 impacted my professional life as did the pandemic, but in very different ways.

It is the recent past I think most about because I found out that I might have been exposed to Covid19 or I might not have.

That is the joy of privacy laws, you get some information but not as many details as you might want or need.

Been a week or so and I haven’t noticed anything other than the aches and pains that come from my normal life.

Can’t and won’t worry about what I can’t control and am still pretty certain I was likely exposed to it at a business function in January before we all knew about this.

But who knows, I could be wrong about that and even if I was, well there exposure doesn’t mean you are infected.


This is just a quick hit and run, feels a little strange because I haven’t been here in a while and had planned on taking more time away.

But some things you just roll with based upon instinct and that has served me pretty damn well.

So I’ll wrap it up for now, got another hour or two before bed becomes a necessity and not an idea.

Hanging with Sam and smiling, it is another Saturday night–big stuff coming.

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By Joshua Wilner

Hi, I am Josh Wilner and I am happy that you have decided to visit my corner of cyberspace. I am a writer/marketer/friend and family man. My professional background includes more than twenty years in working with businesses to help them do a better job of connecting with their existing and prospective customers. More specifically I have worked with companies of all sizes from the Fortune 500 to the new start up to help them build, develop and grow their social media and marketing plans. I love spending time with my family and friends. I enjoy music, reading, writing, playing sports and laughing.

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