The Surge Is Coming

I want to ask who thinks scheduling a meeting on the 16th floor of an office building is a good idea.

In normal times it is the sort of question people no one poses because it seems a natural location.

Except we aren’t in normal times and natural isn’t the appropriate response.

The responsible course of action is to reschedule and or find a way to adjust but that comes with complications you won’t find listed here.

Blame it on boundaries in blogging.

The stress of the situation seems to have caught up with me as the tell-tale signs are hitting me in ways that leave no room for misunderstanding.

It’s funny because the brain has issued instructions to compartmentalize and move forward but the body is using the Trump Playbook of not conceding.

Unfortunately there will be no winners in this contest, just a battered man who will fight his way to the surface.

The root of the issue is tied to the news the surge is coming, that is provided you don’t believe it is already here.

Covid19 doesn’t play favorites or offer consideration for race, color, creed or party affiliation. It does what a virus does.

Fear Versus Faith

Some have tried to convince me we are living in a time of fear versus faith as if science and religion can be compared like apples-to-apples.

I tell them I have no problem with faith but if your measurement of success is based upon a feeling you call a personal relationship with The Lord I say pass.

Pass because we cannot measure that in any useful way.

It is like asking me to show you how much I love my children, it isn’t possible to quantify and that is ok in a philosophical way.

Doesn’t work in this particular situation as there is an easy way to prevent exposure to danger, if only there were not the aforementioned complications.


There are better writers and more effective communicators than myself. People who can paint a brighter and more entertaining picture than I can.

People who are more erudite and have significantly more charm to go along with their erudition.

Thought about those people a few times and snorted because those people aren’t here and won’t be coming to my rescue or assistance.

This is on me and all me, to handle.

So I will because it is what I do, but mostly because I have no other choice. 🙂

You Kissed Me First

Turn on the television because it is time to start the newest season of The Crown and I get distracted by the movie that is on.

Not sure what it is, but there is a couple arguing about who kissed who first. Reminds me of a situation I was once in.

She absolutely kissed me first and tried to make me think it was the reverse. I let her think she is the boss but we always knew it was me.

Ok, it was a partnership.

Sounds much better doesn’t it.

That is the beauty of being the writer of your own life and script. You can present things in what you think is the most favorable way.

The way that makes you look the best.

Might not be accurate or truthful but you can do it.

Funny thing about life is that when we discuss what is accurate and truthful we hit those moments of faith versus fear in which our certainty is matched against another who is just as certain.

My grandfather told me it wouldn’t be that hard to hit 25 years of marriage to the same woman. Just wake up and go deaf when you need to.

I told him if that meant you were passing through life it is not a good plan. Life is not for keeping partners because you fear change and or think life with them will improve on its own.

That is the sort of magic thinking Trump displayed when he said the virus would just disappear.

It is not an effective or useful method of being the captain of your destiny.

Grandpa agreed sometimes things happen that make you sit up and take notice. Things that make you want to take action.

The question often isn’t what happens after but whether you are willing to take the first step. Can’t know if you don’t open the door and peer behind the curtain.

It Will Pass

Talked to the eldest about challenges, hurdles and speed bumps. Reminded him of Emerson’s words with a caveat to remember to look before you leap or sit.

Especially in a bathroom situation because a lack of toilet paper is a problem and given the shelves at the markets it appears it might become one again.

Making a mental note to Instacart some over here soon.

This mishegoss we’re dealing with now won’t go on forever. It will pass but we won’t get by it without harm if we act without regard for consequences.

Office buildings…makes me irritable.

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By Joshua Wilner

Hi, I am Josh Wilner and I am happy that you have decided to visit my corner of cyberspace. I am a writer/marketer/friend and family man. My professional background includes more than twenty years in working with businesses to help them do a better job of connecting with their existing and prospective customers. More specifically I have worked with companies of all sizes from the Fortune 500 to the new start up to help them build, develop and grow their social media and marketing plans. I love spending time with my family and friends. I enjoy music, reading, writing, playing sports and laughing.

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