Tenement Confessions

I was there so I heard him put on the song and heard him say he was going to make a tenement confession to a girl he called SQ.

“She loves ranting when I am around because she likes having me listen to her and appreciates my opinion. She even asked me to talk to about packing the court if you know what I mean.”

He winked and I smiled at him and kept walking because I had trouble to get into and before I did it required some time to think.

Just before I left he looked at me and said she had written him again.

“I miss her when she is not around and she doesn’t write but I won’t tell her that because I learned never to say some things in advance.”

I yelled over my shoulder something about remembering to take a chance because protecting yourself from risk sometimes means missing out.

You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know

Had a two hour conversation about a blueprint for the future that consisted of exploration of opportunity and recognition that sometimes you can get stuck not because you fear change but because you don’t know what you don’t know.

It rolled out something like this.

“What is your plan for the future?”

“I am not sure because I know there are huge opportunities available but I don’t know what all of them are. So I am not sure.”

“But if you had to pick a direction what would it be?”

“I need more information before I can get specific.”

“What kind of information do you need. Pick a direction and recognize you can change directions if you need to and remember you don’t have ten years to do nothing with.”

It is an interesting thought because of the truth in it. There isn’t a ten year window in which to just explore and consider, at least not in concept.

So I said I wanted to quadruple what comes in and do so in a way that didn’t make it impossible to live.

“That is a rough goal, but what I like about it is the opportunity that in theory comes with it. Now I need to do more to educate myself and figure out what is possible and what isn’t.”

I Proved It

There have been a couple of serious battles that have made that vein in my forehead pop out.

Some of the old timers of my life say that vein is the best sign you have that I am prepared to tear the door off of the hinges or rip your arm off at the shoulder and use it to knock some sense into you.

During one such dust up I quoted Lombardi and told the other party I had proven the truth of the quote and suggested the wisest course of action was to avoid testing me on it.

“It is not a level playing field and the smart move is not to seek the kind of attention you’ll get from me as my inclination won’t be favorable.

The people that pushed the limits don’t truly understand what sort of murder they get away with or understand I have decades of pushing the limits.

Sometimes it really is do as I say and not as I do.

There are multiple confessions that could be tied into it all but other than saying I could use time on an island with the right partner there are no other details to share.

I suspect I have positioned myself for some big changes and am doing my best to try to make sure they are positive or leading to positive but one never knows without walking through the darkness to see if you can find the light.

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By Joshua Wilner

Hi, I am Josh Wilner and I am happy that you have decided to visit my corner of cyberspace. I am a writer/marketer/friend and family man. My professional background includes more than twenty years in working with businesses to help them do a better job of connecting with their existing and prospective customers. More specifically I have worked with companies of all sizes from the Fortune 500 to the new start up to help them build, develop and grow their social media and marketing plans. I love spending time with my family and friends. I enjoy music, reading, writing, playing sports and laughing.

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