The Lying Scale

Someone asked if the lying scale is a reference to measuring speech from the White House and I said no, although it could be. In this case I am referring to a scale I stood upon and numbers that left me feeling shock, horror and some disgust. I have been exercising through the entire quarantine… Continue reading The Lying Scale

Categorized as Life

I’ll Change Your Oil

I am in some kind of mood while staring at Facebook, mask on, standing outside of the inspection station that is checking my car so I can renew my registration. Waited as long as I could but can’t wait any longer and don’t want to pay late fees so I am standing here ignoring the… Continue reading I’ll Change Your Oil

Categorized as Life

And So It Begins

We were in our late forties when conversation turned to our own mortality and how we expected we might see friends die young. It wasn’t said callously or with any degree of insouciance because we took it seriously. Perhaps it was because we had buried some at younger ages when it was absolutely unexpected and… Continue reading And So It Begins

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