I Can’t Make You Read This But My Monkey Can

Sometimes the music is eerily perceptive of thoughts and ideas floating through my head and I wonder if the song placed an idea or two inside or if it just brought them to the surface. The thermostat in the car flipped back and forth between 97 and 100 but I didn’t care because the difference… Continue reading I Can’t Make You Read This But My Monkey Can

Beyonce Can’t Dance & 69 Stories Your Facebook Friends Lie About

A dear friend told me I am responsible for writing her obituary. I took it in the spirit it was given and promised to write about the time she tried to save the donkey bomb from the men who had shoved dynamite up its equine butt. She thanked me for not making her the ass… Continue reading Beyonce Can’t Dance & 69 Stories Your Facebook Friends Lie About

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