A few of you watch my silly Facebook stories and read my silly posts but I never think to ask you if my storytelling is better or more interesting in print or video.
It is not because I am on the verge of two meetings that might live up to being described as life changing or because anticipation of said meetings is starting wear upon me.
Remember, I was the kid who climbed on the stove and threw eggs, the boy who introduced himself and then hit other kids so because at three I believed in the strategic value of a preemptive strike.
And I was the boy who when potched would declare, “I Take This Potch And I Throw It Away!”
Wild children like myself never worry about what the day will bring because we’re ready to battle all day long, every day…if necessary.
Or at least we used to be.
Captivated By The Siren Song Of Change
My friend’s teenage son disappeared a week ago and from what little I know they have no knowledge of his current status.
I looked my own son earlier today and found myself thinking crazy thoughts about how he is bigger and more solid than the missing teen.
It made me feel guilty because one shouldn’t be grateful their fortune isn’t as bad as another. But it also reminded me about how horrible this time must be for his mother and father.
To not know where you stand is a horrible place to be because it provides your brain with ample fodder for enormous hope and terrible fears.
Back in my world I am frustrated by not being able to do more to prepare for these meetings and to try and push things in the direction I hope they will go.
Got Rubber Soul playing on iTunes and If I Needed Someone playing on the headset. Eyes closed, I send my thoughts reaching out and wonder if old calls will be heard once again.
Working on the stories that always float through my head I focus on building the foundation and creating the layers because activity isn’t just a good idea but a necessity.
Inside these four walls I am captivated by the siren song of change and the idea that it will fix some of what isn’t working right now.
Gut feelings about what is coming and ideas about how I might help direct the future drive me.
Wither We Go
Brother Bill is singing Lean On Me and memories of days gone by flood my mind and I think about how many of us are part of the group searching for Blaze.
More than thirty years have gone by and we are following some of what we were taught and following up on promises made then.
A community once made of teens long since turned into adults reaching across the years because we said this is who we wanted to be and are now affirming the promises made then as being true now.
And doing so as well because G-d forbid we ever find ourselves in similar circumstances we want to know that people will help.
News reports show there was a significant quake in Honduras, 7.8.
That is the sort of beast you wouldn’t miss.I have been through some pretty big ones.
Rumor has it the Northridge quake in ’94 was initially measured at 7.1 but had to be reduced to 6.8 so that insurance companies would make payments to the insured.
They say Sylmar was roughly the same size, but I don’t really remember that one. But I have been through plenty of 5s and above.
The point being that the quake in Honduras was significantly stronger than the biggest I have been through and that sucker was big enough to get my attention.
Big enough for me to realize I ought to take earthquakes a bit more seriously.
Side note, My grandfather was 80 when the Northridge quake destroyed his Sherman Oaks apartment. He told me if he was still 60 it would have been an adventure, but that at 8o it was a pain.
The 24 year-old kid I was then thought that was funny, because 60 might as well have been 80, they were both old.
But now 60 doesn’t sound young, but it doesn’t sound all that old either.
Right Song?
I am not sure that is the right song for this moment but I am certain I want something with piano and a man singing.
Can’t decide if I want a Casablanca, “Play It Again Sam” feel or something more upbeat.
Maybe both, maybe neither.
In a few moments I’ll have pressed publish, posted this on Facebook and gone upstairs to have a conversation with my son.
One minute I am just Josh writing this and that upon a small screen and in the next I am Dad.
Josh has the easy job, dude can be an insouciant nut job who can make mistakes and just adjust.
Dad has made mistakes, but is far more concerned about making them because the consequences are different.
That dude needs to be more like Josh and chill out a bit.
Or maybe what really needs to happen is for them to remember the words of their grandfathers.
Adventure lies just around the corner, if only the weather in Texas was heading towards 80 and not 20…
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