Coldplay isn’t typically at the top of my playlists but there are songs that catch my eye or ear.
Experience has taught me to pay attention to certain moments, experiences, people and things, not necessarily in that order.
Something about this particular song hit me today and so here I am, back at the computer writing a quick post.
Pay Close Attention
I should be in my car on my way to Dallas.
Should be driving down 635 to take care of some errands but I am not because I have learned to pay close attention to the voice in my head.
So I sit here writing because there is something that has been percolating in the back of my mind and I need to put down some thoughts.
It is almost three years since I left Texas and moved back to LA and now I am back.
Feels appropriate to say leaving was terribly difficult and that I had a feeling it was going to turn some things upside down and inside out.
I did it in spite of that because I knew had things to attend to and that stuff couldn’t wait.
There were moments where I regretted leaving but I do what is required and so I promised myself I would come back.
Promised because I knew I hadn’t done all I had set out to do and because unfulfilled potential haunts me.
So I am back and better prepared for the challenges that came with it all.
Back and handling all that comes before me, even the really hard and especially complicated stuff.
Not just because I do what is required but because I know things and I know this is where the next chapter of life begins.
No Risk, No Reward
The funny thing to me is how much of this feels familiar and how comfortable it feels to me.
Funny to think how there were moments when I thought the next chapter was 1,500 miles away and how it felt like it moved to 36 back to 1,500 and then only 10 or so.
Can’t see the future or guarantee any of the stuff I think I have seen or felt is based upon anything tangible.
Or at least not tangible in the sense I would like where I can reach out and touch it.
But I am cool with that because I don’t mind working hard for goals big and small.
There is something nice about making lists and crossing items off of it, a sense of accomplishment.
I have said for years the best rewards always require some risk and that if you want things to happen you have do your best to live your dreams.
Been a long time since that Police album came out and a long time since I listened to any of the tracks on it, but I still like it.
Listening to it brings a sea of memories and thoughts about how 2016 is tried kill so many artists of my youth.
Maybe I ought to play Purple Rain in the background to serve as the soundtrack for the moment, or maybe not.
Truth is this is supposed to be a 15 minute hit-and-run post so I’ll just end it here and get my butt in the car.
Got lots to do and I can make time to come back and write some more later.
P.S. On a related side note when I look at the truck in the picture above it makes me want to buy an old car to work on for fun.
There is real pleasure in reaching into the past and putting the time in to make it into something bright and shiny for now and the future too.
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