There are bigger problems than worrying about which noise cancelling headphones are the most effective.
Bigger problems than my complaint about the current pair I own not holding up as well as they should.
The Bose Quiet Comfort 15 that I paid a pretty penny for 3.5 years ago haven’t ever been quite as good as I would like at blocking out the noise but that is not my big complaint.
No sir, that belongs to the foam coming out of the earpieces after normal wear and tear.
I haven’t been hard on these. I have taken good care of them but that hasn’t prevented them from breaking down faster than I would like.
There Are Bigger Problems
There are bigger problems than coming home to a bed that is covered in pillows that you are not supposed to sleep upon.
I won’t argue about whether it is worth making the bed each day, but covering a bed in pillows that are there for aesthetic purposes alone makes no sense to me.
Granted those who have shared a bed with me for any length of time have learned that I will rebel against the evil of the pillows by just sleeping on them so I suppose it is kind of silly to complain.
But it is not silly to complain about a product not lasting as long as it should or asking for better customer service when you try to find out if there is a simple repair for the problem you called about.
I understand that sometimes you encounter situations in which it makes more sense to purchase a new unit, but this is one where it almost seems like a waste of money.
Except the thing is a man who works in a home office finds multiple uses for noise cancelling headphones ranging from blocking out gardeners, screaming kids to the noise on a jet plane.
So in the midst of playing the great game called life when I should be preparing for the move that is absolutely coming at the end of the month I am staring out the window.
Imaginary lasers are destroying the stereo system of the rude neighbors across the street who think the rest of us enjoy listening to the noise they call music.
Close your eyes and picture me standing on the roof with a high powered nozzle on the hose cleansing the neighborhood of this noise pollution.
No one is hurt by the water or angered because they are being pummeled by the water. Instead they are thanking me for making them aware, for helping them to become kinder, gentler people.
Yeah, the cranky old man with the hose has helped enlighten them and somehow made the rest of the neighbors suggest he be nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize.
You say this is impossible?
No way, improbable but not impossible and I am an expert in this area. Don’t ask me to provide my bonafides because you wouldn’t read them if I did.
Heck, are there more than three of you who read the fine print on the contracts you sign?
Sorry, I don’t mean to be rude or obnoxious but a rebel like me can’t help but speak his truth after all I am the guy who removes the mattress tags.
Some of you might look at the photo and see a rusted out, broken down truck that needs to be junked but not me.
I see an opportunity to take something that only looks like it should be retired and breathe new life into it.
That is what this time in life is about, taking what is old and broken and figuring how to make it shine again.
Taking the age and experience that comes with having lived a little bit and using it to rise like that mythological phoenix.
And that my friends is why I have to wrap this up because it is time to return to packing and to figuring out what still has potential and what needs to be sent on a journey without me.
Time to see if these wings still work.
Where are those wings taking you? I’ve read before that you’re packing and moving, but I guess it really only struck me as “real” when I read this today. Where are you off to? Happy trails!
Joshua Wilner
Still working that out,